Updates to qualification materials for T Levels following annual review | NCFE

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Updates to qualification materials for T Levels following annual review 

Qualification specification updates 

New copies of the qualification specifications are now available for the following qualifications: 


To access the new qualification specifications, please visit the qualification pages (available above) and you will find them in the ‘support materials’ tab under ‘mandatory qualification information’. 

These specifications are for teaching from September 2024. Both the new and previous versions of the qualification specifications will be available until after the autumn assessments, but summer 2025 assessments will be based on the new qualification specifications. 

As part of our annual review process, we have updated the content to support your delivery and provide clarity or reflect changes in current practice. Full details of amendments can be viewed in the change history record within the qualification specifications. The change history records will help you to understand the changes and how they might impact you and your students. 

Sample assessment material updates 

As part of our annual review process, we’ve also published updated versions of the sample assessment materials where changes have been made in the following documents:  

T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services (Level 3) (delivered by NCFE) (603/6901/2) 

  • Sample – Core Paper A Question Paper (version 2.0) 
  • Sample – Core Paper A Mark Scheme (version 2.0) 

T Level Technical Qualification in Healthcare Science (Level 3) (delivered by NCFE) (603/7083/X) 

  • Paper A Specimen Question Paper (version 2.0) 
  • Paper A Specimen Mark Scheme (version 2.0) 
  • Paper B Specimen Mark Scheme (version 2.0) 

T Level Technical Qualification in Education and Early Years (Level 3) (delivered by NCFE) (603/5829/4) 

  • Early Years Educator Assignment 1 Specimen Question Paper (version 5.0)  
  • Assisting Teaching Assignment 2 Tutor Guide – teaching from 01 September 2024 (version 5.0) 

These changes include updates to ensure alignment with the qualification specification and updates to some tasks and the assessment conditions to ensure clarity. 

There has been a revised set of Department for Education (DfE) Early Years Educator (EYE) criteria to be implemented from September 2024. This has resulted in a new version of Assignment 2, Part 1 and Part 2 for those EYE students registered from September 2024. These changes are for students registering from September 2024 only, and second year students due to complete in summer 2025 will continue to work on their original Assignment 2, Part 1 and Part 2 documentation. These changes are reflected in the following documents: 

  • Early Years Educator Assignment 2 Competence Observation Criteria – teaching from 01 September 2024 (version 5.0)  
  • Early Years Educator Assignment 2 Tutor Guide – teaching from 01 September 2024 (version 5.0) 

Changes to the Assisting Teaching occupational specialism (OS) content, subsequent sample assessment materials and guide standard exemplification materials (GSEMs) have been necessitated from September 2024 due to a revised Teaching Assistant Occupational Standard. Any changes will be recorded within the documents’ Change History Record.  

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