NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People's Workforce (England) (Learning, Development and Support Services)
Health, Public Services and Care, Children and Young People
Licence to Practice
Registration & certification fee:
Level 3
Minimum entry age:
Credit value:
This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and the most up-to-date information.
What does the qualification cover?
This qualification is designed to build the knowledge and skills needed when working with children and young people from birth to 19 years. It covers a diverse range of job roles and occupational areas and is spilt into two pathways:
•Social Care
•Learning, Development and Support Services
Who is it suitable for?
Anyone who works or wants to work at a supervisory level in the children and young people’s workforce.
What are the entry requirements?
You should be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges or training providers may have their own guidelines.
How many credits are required to complete it?
The Diploma requires 65 credits.
How is it assessed?
It will be assessed by your tutor or assessor using a range of methods. This could include direct observation in the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task.
Do you need to be working to take the qualification?
Yes, you will need to be working, volunteering or on practical placement as you need to show competence in both knowledge and skills.
How long does it take to complete?
You can usually complete it in a year.
What related qualifications can you progress to?
The Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (90 credits) or a Foundation Degree.
Home Based Childcare (CYPOP 5)
Understand how to set up a home-based childcare service (Y/600/9770) is available for registrations as a standalone unit programme. From 1st September 2017 this optional unit will be externally assessed only through a Multiple Choice Examination. The Multiple Choice Examination will be available as both a paper-based and an online test.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about funding for this and other qualifications on the Funding page.
Which types of job roles can you apply for on completion?
Learning Mentor
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 2157 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOCX | 943 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 137 KB)
Unit Specification - CYPOP5 (PDF | 233 KB)
Sample assessment materials (PDF | 673 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Assessment materials
Sample paper (PDF | 229 KB)
Sample paper - key (PDF | 264 KB)
Unit breakdown
Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings (A/601/1429)
Support Children and Young People's Health and Safety (D/601/1696)
Develop Positive Relationship With Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care (H/601/1697)
Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings (J/601/1434)
Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People (K/601/1698)
Understand Child and Young Person Development (L/601/1693)
Understand How to Support Positive Outcomes for Children and Young People (M/601/1699)
Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings (R/601/1436)
Promote Child and Young Person Development (R/601/1694)
Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings (Y/601/1437)
Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People (Y/601/1695)
Support Children and Young People to Achieve Their Education Potential (D/600/9785)
Professional Practice in Learning, Development and Support Services (D/600/9799)
Support Children and Young People to Make Positive Changes in Their Lives (M/600/9788)
Support Young People Who Are Looked After or Are Leaving Care (A/502/5224)
Practise as a Foster Carer (A/503/5879)
Work With Children and Young People in a Residential Care Setting (A/600/9809)
Work With Babies and Young Children to Promote Their Development and Learning (A/601/0121)
Promote Creativity and Creative Learning in Young Children (A/601/0135)
Provide Information and Advice to Children and Young People (A/601/1334)
Support Speech, Language and Communication Development (A/601/2872)
Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young Children (D/601/0130)
Caseload Management (D/601/1343)
Support Children and Young People to Achieve Their Learning Potential (D/601/1357)
Support Young People in Relation to Sexual Health and Risk of Pregnancy (F/502/5242)
Understand the Needs of Children and Young People Who Are Vulnerable and Experiencing Poverty and Disadvantage (F/600/9777)
Promote the Well Being and Resilience of Children and Young People (F/600/9780)
Professional Practice in Children and Young People's Social Care (F/601/0315)
Support Young People to Move Towards Independence and Manage Their Lives (F/601/1349)
Promote Positive Behaviour (F/601/3764)
Support Use of Medication in Social Care Settings (F/601/4056)
Enable Parents to Develop Ways of Handling Relationships and Behaviour That Contribute to Everyday Life With Children (H/502/4682)
Professional Practice in Early Years Settings (H/600/9786)
Lead and Manage a Community Based Early Years Setting (H/601/0131)
Engage Young Parents in Supporting Their Children's Development (J/502/4660)
Context and Principles for Early Years Provision (J/600/9781)
Support Care Within Fostering Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People (J/601/1806)
Support the Speech, Language and Communication Development of Children Who are Learning More Than One Language (J/601/2888)
Support Children or Young People in Their Own Home (K/601/0132)
Support Young People Who are Involved in Anti-Social and/or Criminal Activities (L/502/5261)
Promote Learning and Development in the Early Years (L/600/9782)
Develop Interviewing Skills for Work With Children and Young People (L/601/1337)
Support Positive Practice With Children and Young People With Speech, Language and Communication Needs (L/601/2861)
Support Children and Young People's Speech, Language and Communication Skills (L/601/2889)
Engage Parents in Their Children's Early Learning (M/502/3812)
Support Positive Attachments for Children and Young People (M/503/5877)
Assessment and Planning With Children and Young People (M/600/9760)
Support the Creativity of Children and Young People (M/600/9807)
Promote Young Children's Physical Activity and Movement Skills (M/601/0133)
Support Young People to Develop, Implement and Review a Plan of Action (M/601/1329)
Improving the Attendance of Children and Young People in Statutory Education (M/601/1377)
Understand the Speech, Language and Communication Needs of Children and Young People With Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (K/617/9969)
Support Young People Who Are Socially Excluded or Excluded From School (R/502/5231)
Support Children and Young People to Have Positive Relationships (R/601/1369)
Support the Referral Process for Children and Young People (R/601/1386)
Support Young People With Mental Health Problems (T/502/5240)
Understand the Context of Supporting Children and Young People Through Foster Care (T/503/5878)
Coordinate Special Educational Needs Provision (T/600/9775)
Support Children's Speech, Language and Communication (T/600/9789)
Support Disabled Children and Young People and Those With Specific Requirements (T/601/0134)
Facilitate the Learning and Development of Children and Young People Through Mentoring (T/601/1381)
Engage Fathers in Their Children's Early Learning (Y/502/4663)
Work With Parents to Meet Their Children's Needs (Y/502/4680)
Understand How to Set Up a Home Based Childcare Service (Y/600/9770)
Promote Children's Welfare and Well Being in the Early Years (Y/600/9784)
Work With Parents, Families and Carers to Support Their Child's Speech, Language and Communication Development (D/617/9970)
Supervise Whole Class Learning Activities (T/601/4071)
Invigilate Tests and Examinations (Y/601/7416)
Support Gifted and Talented Learners (R/601/7723)
Support Children and Young People With Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development Needs (Y/601/7707)
Support Learners With Sensory and/or Physical Needs (M/601/8135)
Monitor and Maintain Curriculum Resources (D/601/8342)
Supervise Children and Young People on Journeys, Visits and Activities Outside of the Setting (H/601/8360)