Assessment Innovator Learner Competition

Few decisions are more life-changing than the ones we make about learning. In learning, we have the power to shape our future. To achieve more than we previously felt possible. To feel more valuable, and in turn, more valued.
Together, NCFE and Ufi VocTech Trust aim to foster innovation and advance learning around the role technology can play in creating assessment methods and models that can adapt and respond to the needs of the changing UK economy. The collaboration between NCFE and Ufi will allow both organisations to leverage their combined resources and knowledge to advance vocational education and skills development in the digital age.
Our Assessment Innovator Learner Competition aims to encourage Further Education (FE) learners to showcase their innovation and creativity in designing AI-driven platforms to revolutionise further education assessments and exams.
We’re looking for entrants to present their innovative ideas that will positively impact learners. The winner will receive a prize of £750 for the Learning Provider and £250 for the learner or team, with more prizes for second and third place.
How to enter
This competition is open for entries from 2 September – 16 December 2024.
Entrants will need to consider a range of factors, including the potential benefits and challenges of using these emerging technologies. They will need to present their proposal or solution in either a 6-minute video presentation or a 6-slide presentation which effectively communicates the features, functionality, and benefits of the proposal or solution.
To help you prepare your entry, read our guidance document to find more information about what we’re looking for. You'll find some activities to help you generate ideas in our learner slides. When you're ready to submit your entry, please use the form at the bottom of this page.
Questions and aims
How can artificial intelligence (AI) help shape the future of assessments and
exams? To help you get started, try to consider the following questions:
- What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
- What are assessments and exams?
- How are Awarding Organisations and institutions using and implementing
assessment? - What are the potential challenges and benefits of these emerging
technologies for Ufi and NCFE? - How are other educational institutions using AI?
- What are the potential challenges and benefits of AI, and how can NCFE
mitigate or take advantage of them? - Describe how this change would positively impact you as a learner.
Consider your learning, motivation, and understanding.