You said, we did update | NCFE

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Functional Skills English and maths - Provider Survey

Your feedback is important to us, and we use this to make improvements so that we can deliver world-class customer service. Below are some examples of improvements we’ve made on administration training.  

You said  

  • I’d like to have the option to ask questions 
  • I’d like the purpose of the training to be clearer so I know which staff should attend 
  • I’d like more information on the Portal, Qualhub and IQA requirements, a walk-through of the qualification and a summary slide of changes made this session. 

We did 

We reviewed the content of our administration training and have made the following improvements: 

  • Administration training will form part of our prepare to teach events, which will take place each summer. These events will signpost you to our Portal user guide. This guide explains how to conduct all administration activities on our Portal. Training will also include information around IQA requirements and highlight any updates this session. 
  • Centres who sign up to the training will have the option to ask questions prior to the training. Attendees can also use the chat function during the training to ask questions. Following the training, all questions will also be added to the frequently asked questions section on our website and circulated to registered contacts. 
  • The promotion of all events will include a clear purpose, an example of what will be included and who the session is aimed at.