Functional Skills ICT | NCFE

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Functional Skills ICT  

The final date for certification for the legacy Functional Skills ICT qualifications below is 31/07/2024: 

  • 600/1780/6 NCFE Functional Skills Qualification in Information and Communication Technology Entry Level 1 
  • 600/1353/9 NCFE Functional Skills Qualification in Information and Communication Technology Entry Level 2 
  • 600/1148/8 NCFE Functional Skills Qualification in Information and Communication Technology Entry Level 3 


If you have any learners registered on these qualifications and have not yet planned your EQA review, contact your EQA urgently to book this as soon as possible. Centres must also ensure that all learners who are registered, but no longer completing these qualifications are withdrawn on the Portal. The deadline dates are: 

  • EQA reviews on or before 28/06/2024 
  • Centre claims on or before 31/07/2024