Results in summer 2022 | NCFE | NCFE

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Archive information - results in summer 2022 and post results service

This page was updated on 14 September 2022

Following your learners receiving their 2021-22 results, we’re still here to support you every step of the way.

Take a look at the information below to find out when results were released, our post-results service and where you can find support for learners and parents.

Check out our drop-down menu towards the end of the page for answers to your top queries about results (also available in our quick links).

Post-results services  

We offer a range of post-results services across our suites of qualifications to support centres and learners. Find out more on QualHub. 

When did centres receive results? 

In 2021-22, there were no set results days for VTQ qualifications (with the exception of T Levels on 18 August). Many centres will have wanted to ensure that learners received their results in line with the release of GQ results (18 August for level 3 and 25 August for level 2 qualifications). This is to ensure your learners weren't disadvantaged when it came to university applications. However, we understand that for some centres, you were not working to a specific timeline and wanted to simply claim certificates and issue results when your learners were ready. That’s why, last year, we adopted a centre-led approach and it was all in your hands.   

Please take a look at our key dates for your diary infographic, which helped to ensure you completed any necessary actions at the right time for you and your learners. 

Check out our handy top tips on certification and access our portal user guide for support on how to use the NCFE portal.   

When were T Level results released? 

T Level results were released to providers on 17 August (embargoed) and then to students on 18 August. Visit our T Level results page for information on results release for these qualifications.

UCAS deadlines 

If your learner is completing a level 3 qualification with UCAS points, and you followed the guidance above, then this will have ensured that your learners’ data was shared with UCAS and therefore the Higher Education Institutes (HEI) in time for level 3 results day on 18 August 2022. 

When were V Cert results released?

Learners received V Cert results on 25 August and providers received the results on 24 August. Visit our V Certs webpage to read more on results and adaptations for V Certs in 2021-22.   

Where can I find support for learners and parents? 

Last year, many learners may have been facing exams for the first time in a long time (if ever) and were nervous about their results! Take a look at our support page for learners and parents to access self-care tips, guidance on next steps and helpful careers resources.  

Your questions answered

Click on the drop-down buttons below to read the answers to our most popular queries.

  • External assessment results will be available in the NCFE Portal on the published day of results release from midnight.
  • The timetable for results release dates for V Certs, CACHE qualifications and reformed Functional Skills paper-based external assessments can be found in our external assessment timetable.
  • Results slips can be generated for printing if required from the Portal. For support with this please see our Portal User Guide.
  • Our Reformed Functional Skills online external assessments are on-demand, meaning there are no published results release dates. Our Functional Skills results service is super-fast, which means you're not left waiting around, with a 6 working days turnaround from Spring 2020.
  • We’ve continued to provide adaptations this year and we’re confident that the mitigations we’ve put in place have enabled learners to complete and gain the appropriate knowledge and skills to progress, without compromising the validity of the qualification.
  • Given the disruption of the past 2 years, we should expect that this summer’s results will look different, despite exams and assessments taking a big step towards normality.
  • In awarding, as per Ofqual guidance, we’ve awarded overall grades that are right for this very specific year of assessment, taking account of the expectations set for grading general qualifications where possible. This also applies to T Levels.
  • Grades for vocational and technical qualifications taken in schools and colleges will be based on outcomes from a range of assessments. Many learners will have carried forward a result based on teacher assessed grades (TAGs) for units that were assessed last summer. Some may also have centre assessed grades (CAGs) from summer 2020. We’ll use these, plus other assessments taken during a learner’s course of study, when determining grades.
  • Further information can be found in Ofqual’s guidance blog.
  • Learners who want to improve an external assessment result may want to re-sit in 2022-23, and our external assessment timetable can be found on our website. Additional assessment opportunities (eg third window) will not be available next year, however the Department for Education (DfE) and Ofqual have confirmed that for performance table qualifications (PTQs), there will be an additional resit opportunity (“two resits”) for external assessments.
  • The “two resit” rule applies to external assessments for Key Stage 5, 16-18 performance table Applied General, Tech Level and Technical Certificate qualifications approved for 2022, 2023 and 2024. For Key Stage 4 performance tables, the “two resit” rule applies to Technical Awards counted in the 2022 and 2023 tables only.
  • Assessment opportunities where learners have received results based on teacher assessed grades (TAGs) and centre assessed grades (CAGs) do not count towards these resit opportunities. The highest achieved grade will stand across all submissions, regardless of whether these are CAGs, TAGs or assessments and resits undertaken under normal circumstances.

We understand that there are times when a learner or centre feels that a result is variance with their reasonable expectations. An enquiry about the result can be submitted by a centre on behalf of the learner (with their consent), however before doing so, please ensure you’re familiar with our Enquiries about Results and Assessment Decisions Policy.

If your learner has a status of partial this means not all units/components have been completed to gain a full certificate, please check in the Results screen in the Portal that you have claimed all required units/components. Please note we do not provide overall certificates for T Level Technical Qualifications.

The highest achieved grade will stand across all submissions, regardless of whether these are centre assessed grades (CAGs), teacher assessed grades (TAGs) or assessments and resits undertaken under normal circumstances.

Further queries

If you have any queries that haven’t been answered by the support available on this page, contact us on [email protected] or via live chat.