Dental Practice Manager | EPA Standards | NCFE | NCFE

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EPA Standard

Dental Practice Manager v1.0

Level 4     £9,000      24 months

1. What the role entails

The Dental Practice Manager is responsible for managing all non-clinical aspects within a practice to achieve excellent patient care, quality, cost and delivery performance in line with practice strategy, goals and values. The Practice Manager leads the team by providing support and direction to enhance performance, skills and knowledge of all practice staff.

2. On-programme assessment

Before entering Gateway, the apprentice must complete the following on-programme assessment requirements:

  • Level 2 English and maths
  • Level 4 Certificate in Leadership and Management.

3. Gateway requirements

The employer, independent training provider (ITP) and apprentice make the decision to take the apprentice through Gateway. The apprentice must achieve all the required on-programme elements before they enter Gateway, including:

  • a Project Proposal (max. 500 words)
  • a Portfolio of Evidence (max. 25 pieces of evidence).

4. End-point assessment

The EPA for Dental Practice Manager contains two methods of assessment:

Project and Presentation with Question and Answer Session

Apprentices will complete a Project, Project Report and Presentation based on an agreed proposal that demonstrates their competence against the knowledge, skills and behaviours
(KSBs) assigned to this method of assessment. The apprentice and their employer will identify a scope for the Project which will be submitted at Gateway. Once agreed, the apprentice has 60 days to complete the Project and submit a Project Report (1500- 2000 words) along with the Presentation and any supporting evidence. The Presentation will last 60 minutes (+10% at the discretion of the Independent End-Point Assessor), including the delivery of the Presentation and a Question and Answer session.

Grading: the Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA) grades the Project and Presentation as Fail, Pass or Distinction.

Professional Discussion underpinned by Portfolio of Evidence

The Professional Discussion is a structured discussion of 60 minutes (+10% at the IEPA’s discretion) which must be appropriately structured to draw out the apprentice’s competence and coverage of the KSBs assigned to this method. It is underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence, which is compulsory and must be submitted at Gateway. The Portfolio must not contain more than 25 pieces of evidence, and though they are not assessed, they are to be reviewed by the IEPA prior to the Discussion.

Grading: the IEPA grades the Professional Discussion as Fail, Pass or Distinction.

5. Grade aggregation table

Project and Presentation Professional Discussion Overall Grade
Pass Pass Pass
Pass Distinction Pass
Distinction Pass Pass
Distinction Distinction Distinction

If the apprentice fails any assessment method, the EPA will be graded Fail overall.

6. Completion and certification

We’ll activate certification once the apprentice has successfully completed all EPAs, and the IEPA has verified this. Working with the apprenticeship certificate issuing authority, we’ll ensure the apprentice receives their certificate.

7. What next?

This is an entry level management role which provides the foundation knowledge, skills and experience for progression into a number of career paths, including Practice Manager, Area Manager and Regional Manager leading to Senior Management roles.


We’re an approved End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) specialising in EPA delivery across health, education, early years, digital, social care, finance and business apprenticeship standards. We offer flexible and reliable EPA solutions supported by sector expertise, guidance documents and proactive service and support.

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