Enquiries Appeals Request Form | NCFE

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EPA Enquiries and Appeals Request form

EPA Enquiries & Appeals Request Form guidance notes:

As detailed in our EPA Enquiries & Appeals Policy, the purpose of an Enquiry about EPA Assessment is to ensure that our internal quality assurance standards were fair, reliable, and consistently applied during the entire assessment process and the grade achieved was accurate.

The Enquiry about EPA assessment will provide:

  • Clerical Check of one or more assessments within EPA
  • Review of Marking of one or more method(s) of assessment within the EPA

As detailed in our EPA Enquiries & Appeals Policy, the purpose of an Appeal is to ensure that we have applied the correct processes, procedures, and policies in a fair and consistent way.

The appeals procedure will cover:

  • Enquiries about EPA Assessment;
  • A decision relating to EPA reasonable adjustments or special considerations;
  • The outcome of an EPA Preliminary stage appeal.

The appeals procedure will not cover:

  • Outcome of a maladministration or malpractice investigation*;
  • Outcome of a decision to impose a sanction resulting from a malpractice or maladministration investigation.;
  • Termination of product and/or centre approval status for maladministration or malpractice, or termination for breach of the centre agreement.

*Malpractice concerns that occur within EPA are passed on to our Provider Assurance team who will investigate the concern and act upon them. NCFE EPA will support with the investigation but are not responsible for any outcomes or actions that a malpractice investigation might raise. Therefore, any appeals against a NCFE EPA malpractice decision should be raised with the NCFE Provider Assurance team through the NCFE Appeals page.

Your request should include a clear rationale as to why you believe that an incorrect assessment decision/procedure was made or why you believe that that we did not properly or fairly apply our relevant processes, procedures or policies and must include supporting evidence. You should also state what outcome you would like from this request, should there be any.

Evidence of learner authorisation must be retained and kept for at least six months following the outcome of an appeal and in compliance with relevant legislation.

If your application does not include sufficient information or evidence, we will inform you in writing, and include a final deadline for the submission of any further information and evidence to support your appeal application.

Please complete the form below.

Training Provider Details

Apprentice Details

Type of Request

If this request is an Overall EPA grade review, please state this in the ‘grounds for enquiry’ box and give the methods you’d like to have reviewed below.

Enquiry About EPA Assessment (1)

Enquiry About EPA Assessment (2)

Enquiry About EPA Assessment (3)

Enquiry About EPA Assessment (4)

Enquiry About EPA Assessment (5)


Please fill in the date you were notified of the outcome for the relevant appeal type below:

Outcome of an Enquiry about EPA Assessment

Outcome of an application for reasonable adjustments or special consideration

Outcome of a review of EPA Appeal stage 1 – Preliminary stage

Additional supporting evidence

If relevant, please use these boxes to provide us with any further evidence or information you believe is relevant to your appeal.

Grounds for Enquiry about EPA Assessment/Appeal:

What outcome (if any) would you like from this request?


I accept that NCFE will hold and process electronically the information given and may use it for any purpose deemed relevant to this enquiry.

I confirm that the centre and the apprentice(s) support this submission, that I have evidence of apprentice authorisation, and will provide this to NCFE if requested.

I confirm that I understand that by submitting this form I accept the associated fees which may be charged.