Learner stories: "I hope to work in the sector after my course is finished"
Chloe Perrin was one of the first students in England to undertake a T Level – a high-quality, work-focused alternative to A Levels for those aged 16-18. After completing her two-year course at Gateshead College, Chloe progressed on to Northumbria University where she is currently studying social work.
We caught up with her during her first year at university to see how the T Level had prepared her for higher education and beyond.
Why did you choose to study a T Level?
“I came to the college looking to do a Level 3 qualification. I was then asked if I wanted to join the new starter course called the T Level. The idea of a work placement being half my grade in second year was very appealing to me, as I always perform better in practice than written on paper.
“I think it was a great balance between both as what we were learning about, we could then go and practice and apply to our physical practice in setting. We could also then come back to college and share experiences.”
What were the highlights of the course?
“I did love the classroom learning and we did a lot of working with outside agencies. We went to Playology Beach School, and it was an amazing experience.
“I did my first placement at Brighton Avenue and my second at St Wilfred’s. I learnt so much from both placements and I realise that without them, I wouldn't be at the level I am at now. The experience of working day-to-day simulated what it would be like, and it was very valuable.”
What are you doing now and what are your future plans?
“Right now, I am at Northumbria University studying social work and I hope to work in the sector after my course is finished. I also have my license to practice, so I do see myself going back and teaching at some point.
I'm currently doing practice interviews and formative assessments for my course, and I believe I wouldn't have had the confidence to do these without [the T Level].
“Since completing the T Level, I realised it prepared me for my work placements at university. I know effective professional communication, but I also have a lot more confidence. I'm currently doing practice interviews and formative assessments for my course, and I believe I wouldn't have had the confidence to do these without it.
“I'm studying while balancing work right now and, so far, it's going well. It’s a lot tougher than I was expecting, but I'm enjoying it! I'm learning loads more about the theory and politics side to social work at the moment.”
Would you recommend T Levels to others?
“I would recommend T Levels for someone if they want to get real experience and a more in-depth and deeper understanding of the childcare sector. You learn a lot more about why we do things than how we do things. It helps you in your practice more.”
Learn more about T Levels and the range of qualifications available by visiting our T Level homepage.
Learner profile
Name: Chloe Perrin
Qualification: Education and Early Years T Level
Centre: Gateshead College; now at Northumbria University

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