Submitting learner evidence for moderation | NCFE

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Submitting learner evidence for moderation 

The Portal will close at the end of the assessment window, as outlined in the Key Date Schedule. All learner marks must be entered before the Portal closes and any inactive learners withdrawn. 


Once the Portal closes, your moderation sampling plan will be created and made available to view in the Portal the following day. This will show a list of learners selected for moderation, and evidence required must be uploaded to the Portal within two working days of the assessment window closing. We’ll share further guidance on how to view your sampling plan, upload learner evidence and the evidence required before the end of the assessment window. 


If you’re delivering the above qualification, you no longer need to remove learner marks from the learner evidence. Providers delivering Education and Childcare will submit learner evidence selected for moderation via a One Drive link received from their allocated Moderator. A checklist detailing what evidence must be submitted will be sent by the Moderator to support.