2022 Aspiration Awards winners | NCFE | NCFE

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Aspiration Awards: 2022 winners 

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Our Aspiration Awards are about honouring the success of learners, educators and educational organisations across the UK. 

We believe that there isn’t just one definition of success. It could be going above and beyond to exceed expectations, overcoming obstacles to achieve the unexpected, or coming up with new and innovative ways of working to help others to achieve. These awards recognise those doing exceptional things in education. 

Aspiration Awards 2022 – celebrate our winners  

A record number of entries made this year the toughest judging year yet but we’re proud to share the deserving winners with you. See a full list of the winners and discover their inspiring stories below. 

Juwairia Junaid

Leeds City College – Learner of the Year Winner

Juwairia is described by her tutors as a “truly outstanding learner”. Arriving early for every session, her attitude to learning, enthusiasm and engagement within the lessons inspires all those around her.

As Juwairia is fully blind, she manages an array of different machinery, technology and software to give her access to her studies, but this never stops her from achieving. In her spare time, she is also a co-host at her local radio station where she presents a magazine style show: ‘The Disabled Table’.

Watch the moment Juwairia found out she had won the Learner of the Year award.

Read Juwairia's story

Juwairia Junaid
Juwairia Junaid 1

Caitriona McIvor

Belfast Met – Learner of the Year, Highly Commended

18-year-old Caitriona has faced many challenges throughout her life, including becoming her dad’s main carer at the age of 13. She gained employment at a young age but still kept up her studies and is on track to succeed with her qualification. Caitriona also volunteers in her local youth club, supporting children and young people who have experienced the same challenges as herself. 

Read Caitriona's story

Oliver Poulter

Whitworth Community High School – Against All Odds Winner

Oliver’s optimistic attitude to learning has a positive influence on everyone around him and despite being born with a degenerative eye condition, he’s a keen performer and gives 100% in every lesson.

Never fazed by any trips or falls, Oliver always picks himself back up and isn’t discouraged to try something again.   

Watch the moment he found out he had won the Against All Odds award or read his story. 

Read Oliver's story

Oliver Poulter
Oliver Poulter 1

Freddie Vokes

APEducation Online – Against All Odds, Highly Commended

12-year-old Freddie is totally obsessed with music - he eats, breathes, and sleeps it. His school was at a loss with teaching him in this subject as he is well ahead of his peers and will complete his GCSE in music this year. Wanting to develop his music skills further, Freddie began the Level 2 Technical Award in Music Technology with APeducation Online.  

Read Freddie's story

Freddie Web

Beth Ingoe

Blackburn College – Against All Odds, Highly Commended

After a turbulent start to college, where Beth had low attendance and refused to attend her placement, she has now turned her life around. Her attendance is over 90%, and she’s now submitting all her assignments on time and to a high standard.   

Read Beth's story

Annabelle Palmer-Bennett, Aspiration Award winner

Annabelle Palmer-Bennett

Aspire Training – Apprentice of the Year Winner

The first-ever winner of our new award, Apprentice of the Year, is Annabelle, who has been described as “inspirational and outstanding”.

A role model for apprentices and others in the early years sector, she is a very well-deserving winner.  

Read Annabelle's story

Jack Turner

Everton Free School & Football College – Teacher / Tutor of the Year Winner

A talented musician, who once performed with his group at Glastonbury, Jack uses his music and creativity to hook in disengaged learners and make a difference in their lives. He has been described by his colleagues as someone who embodies the school vision and values and has supported many learners to success.  

Read Jack's story

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Denise Haney

Newcastle & Stafford Colleges Group – Support Staff of the Year Winner 

Denise is the first winner of our Support Staff of the Year award, as she always strives to ensure students achieve the best possible outcomes despite their starting point, putting inclusivity at the heart of everything that she does.  

Read Denise's story


Loughborough College, Caring Services Department

Centre of the Year

The Caring Services Department at Loughborough College offers a wide range of programmes to support achievement and progression for all learners, with qualifications spanning a range of levels and specialisms within early years, and health and social care. They’re even building a brand new T Level building for learners from September with an early years style classroom and two bedded teaching ward.   

Read the case study

Whole Team With Sharon

Congratulations to all our winners and nominees, you’re simply amazing!   

Do you know someone who should be recognised in our Aspiration Awards? 

We’ll be back next year with our Aspiration Awards and we’d love to hear from you. You’ll be able to submit nominations from early 2023 and we’ll let you know how to do this nearer the time.  

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