Upcoming webinars
Throughout 2023-24, we’ll be running a series of webinars as part of the CPD carousel. Below you’ll find all the information you need on these webinars.
Effective teamwork in early years
3 October 2023, 10–11am
Although there are many diverse roles in the early years, none of us can perform them in isolation. The adults in a child's life have a crucial role to play in everything from learning and development to protecting and promoting children's welfare. By collaborating for the benefit of the child, we can make a difference. In this webinar we'll explore working together effectively in a positive way and the effect this has on the outcomes for children.
Sustainability for all
24 January 2024, 2–3pm
This webinar will support and empower education and early years colleagues to learn more about our responsibilities to each other and the world in which we live. Rich with teaching prompts, case studies, and activities that can be carried out in the classroom and beyond, it will support practitioners, educators, childminders, parents/carers and early years students to take small green steps towards a better climate future globally in engaging ways.
The impact of transition and change for children and young people
9 May 2024, 4–5pm
Change is a normal part of life, but it can feel difficult for children and young people to cope with. From micro transitions to significant life events in this webinar we'll explore ways in which to support and guide during these transitions and changes in children and young people’s lives. We'll have the opportunity to share experiences and positive case studies equipping educators with a toolkit to support their practice.