Replacement certificates

We offer a replacement certificate service if your original issued certificate has been misplaced or damaged.
A replacement certificate is a replica of your original, with 'Replacement certificate' written on the certificate. There is a fee for replacement certificates, for which, please refer to our Fees and Pricing document.
Please complete the replacement certificate form below with the required supporting information. Where a transcript was issued as part of your original certificate, a copy will also be included with your replacement certificate.
Once we have received your request, our Customer Support team will aim to contact you within two working days to confirm whether we are able to issue you with a replacement, and to take payment.
Replacement certificates can only be requested for qualifications awarded within the last 10 academic years (from the date of application). For CACHE qualifications awarded before this, we may be able to issue a Proof of Qualification, if we hold a record of your achievement on our database. A Proof of Qualification can be requested by completing this form.
Please note: we are unable to issue either a replacement certificate or Proof of Qualification for any qualification awarded before 1 September 1994.