Occupational specialisms
Please use the categories below to find the relevant answer to your question.
The occupational specialisms are designed to be completed in the students' second year, and after completing the core component.
While sample materials may have them all in one document, the live materials have to be separated out according to the dates on the Key Dates Schedule.
There will be no need for providers to split these out, they’ll be split into the relevant assignments and tasks with specific dates on them.
For external assessments, we share materials 3 working days prior to the start of the window.
Dates for completion, as well as any dates of pre-release can be found in the Key Dates Schedule.
Providers must ensure that OS assignments are approached in the same way as any other external assessment, with students prepared in advance, dates known and planned in advance, assessments completed under the necessary conditions, assessment material and student responses stored securely (even where material is shared and completed electronically) and returned to NCFE within the timescales required.
Unless the assessment is at a set date and time, it can take place at any point within the window at the provider's discretion.
Providers must ensure they are familiar with the timetable within the Key Dates Schedule to ensure that no assessments are missed, late, or completed out of order.
This varies between Occupational Specialisms. Key information can be found in the provider guide or tutor guide for the relevant qualification, as well as in the qualification specification.
Take a look at the tutor guidance for information on this.
Take a look at our access arrangements and reasonable adjustment guidance for support with this.
Students who are eligible for additional time must be afforded this opportunity, however providers must ensure that where assignments have extended running times that the burden on students is managed, and that additional time does not have a detrimental effect on their ability to complete an assessment. This could be through scheduling within your provider to avoid later finishes, using supervised rest breaks, or reminding students that additional time is available where needed and does not require a student to remain within the assessment for the entire time, and that where they believe they have finished without using some or all additional time, this is acceptable.
Students can complete assignments digitally, using a word processor, or using pen and paper.
If it has been agreed within your provider that the student will complete this assessment using pen and paper, and not using a word processor, then they’ll need to take black-inked pens into the assessment.
For paper, some assignments have space within the assessment paper to complete, whereas others may require the use of NCFE supplementary booklets (available on our website) or other appropriate JCQ options. If students are completing by hand, they must ensure their writing is legible, that every page has their name, provider, assessment, and other appropriate identifiable details on, and the provider must ensure that all pages are scanned and uploaded to NCFE following the assessment.
The provider must ensure students submit their work to the provider at the end of each session. Providers can then upload evidence as tasks are completed, or at the end of the window in a single activity, but must remember that there is a deadline of 3 working days after the assessment window to upload all evidence to the portal.
This depends on if it is part of the assessment criteria/subject content statement. Please take a look at the tutor guidance.
Please view the Digital T Level video playlist.
Video recordings within the OS
If this was noticed during or immediately after the discussion, you should ask the students to repeat the discussion and ensure this is recorded.
If the student has had feedback, completed the Q&A, or this is only realised significantly after the time of assessment, please fill out a special consideration form.
Please note: Re-recording is only an option if the mistake is realised during the discussion, or immediately after while the students are still in the room. Re-recording cannot be done at a later date, or if the student has since received any form of feedback or completed Q&A (depending on the assessment/qualification).
If using Microsoft Teams is the recognised and familiar way for students to complete these tasks, then this can be the way that the recordings are made during the live assessment. It’s important to ensure that all other requirements and regulations are followed (such as controlling access to the internet as required). The audio produced should be clear and the student clearly visible where video evidence is listed as a requirement. The recordings must be able to be securely saved, stored, and submitted for marking.
All learner evidence, including video recordings, should be uploaded via the Portal.