Functional Skills events | NCFE | NCFE

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Functional Skills events

Functional Skills events

Knowing where to start is often the most daunting part of delivering a new qualification, so this is where the NCFE Provider Development team can help.

If you’re delivering a Functional Skills qualification our team will be able to help you get started with planning and delivery as well as guiding you through the assessment requirements.

Functional Skills webinars

The Provider Development team deliver a range of webinars to prepare you for delivery and for your continuing professional development (CPD).

  • Onboarding webinar is on demand and is aimed towards new centres and new staff to give an overview of information on NCFE Functional Skills qualifications. Content includes: overview of FS, content, sample assessment material, assessment structure, support and NCFE resources.
  • Intensive onboarding webinars include the information from the onboarding session as well as the building blocks of maths and English and the opportunity to explore past assessments in more depth.
  • CPD webinars are interactive sessions aimed towards FS maths and English teachers who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in specific areas. The registration pages for each session give further information on individual session contents.
  • Drop-in clinics are informal sessions with no agenda. They give providers the opportunity to ask questions on our FS qualifications and to discuss topics explored in CPD sessions.

If you have any queries regarding the webinars please contact: [email protected]

Teach, Share, Transform

Network with other providers to raise attainment in maths, English and digital skills

Find out more
SLC Changes from September 2023

This support webinar gives you an overview of the changes to the SLC component for Functional Skills English coming into effect from September 2023.

Watch on demand
Functional Skills Onboarding

A provider support webinar for new centres and new staff to give an overview of information on NCFE Functional Skills qualifications.

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Essential Maths and English in Everyday Life on demand

Access the NCFE Essential Maths and English in Everyday Life session on demand

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Previous CPD sessions on demand

To view studio recordings of previous CPD sessions please go to our YouTube playlist:

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