NCFE CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Residential Childcare (England)
Health, Public Services and Care, Children and Young People
Licence to Practice
Registration & certification fee:
Level 5
Minimum entry age:
Credit value:
What does the qualification cover?
This qualification is part of the new children’s homes regulations which came into force in April 2015.
It has replaced the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Residential Management Pathway) as the required qualification for those working in children’s homes.
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge needed to manage practice and lead others in residential childcare settings for children and young people. The qualification enables the learner to gain essential skills and knowledge for leading in a residential childcare setting, including leading and managing a team; leading and managing group living; leading practice to support children and young people; and implementing policies and procedures.
It also offers the learner the opportunity to cover optional topics which are particularly suited to specific residential childcare and respite care settings.
What are the entry requirements?
You should be at least 19 years old.
We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges or training providers may have their own guidelines.
Do you need to be working to take the qualification?
Learners will need to be working in the role of Deputy or Manager in an appropriate setting, or have the opportunity to carry out responsibilities associated with these roles to be able to study for the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Residential Childcare (England).
How many credits are required to complete it?
Learners must achieve 65 credits. 57 credits must be achieved from Mandatory Group A, and at least 8 credits from Optional Group B.
How is it assessed?
All units will be internally assessed using standard methods, such as coursework, portfolio of evidence, practical demonstration / assignment.
What related qualifications can you progress to?
Learners can progress onto a Degree in a related discipline.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about funding for this and other qualifications on the funding page.
Which type of job roles can learners apply for on completion?
Learners can progress to the following job roles:
• registered residential childcare managers, deputies and assistant managers
• deputy and assistant managers in other adult or children and young people’s social care settings (further professional development/ qualification may be required once in post).
Useful links
This playlist features video guidance from our curriculum team for providers that are delivering NCFE Technical Awards and other V Cert qualifications.
Support webinars
Our support webinars are free to register and attend and are delivered by our dedicated curriculum team and subject matter experts. You can also access our previous training sessions from our on-demand recordings.
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 1271 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOC | 1672 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 115 KB)
Learner overview (PDF | 102 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Unit breakdown
Lead Practice for Communication and Information Management in Residential Childcare Settings (A/506/7585)
Understand Support for Children and Young People Who Are Vulnerable and Disadvantaged (A/506/7652)
Lead Practice to Achieve Positive Outcomes for Children and Young People in Residential Childcare (F/506/7619)
Lead a Service That Can Support Children or Young People Who Have Experienced Harm or Abuse (F/506/8365)
Undertake Professional Development in Residential Childcare Settings (H/506/7791)
Manage Risk in Residential Childcare (J/506/7590)
Lead and Manage Group Living in Residential Childcare (L/506/7591)
Lead and Manage a Team Within a Residential Childcare Setting (L/506/7607)
Lead Practice in Safe Use of Digital, Internet and Mobile Technology With Children and Young People (L/506/8367)
Understand Children and Young People's Development in Residential Childcare (M/506/7650)
Lead Practice to Support the Safeguarding and Protection of Children and Young People in Residential Childcare (M/506/8362)
Lead Networks and Multi-Agency Work to Benefit Children and Young People in Residential Childcare (R/506/7608)
Implement a Positive Relationship Policy in Residential Childcare (R/506/8192)
Lead Practice to Promote the Rights, Diversity and Equality of Children and Young People in Residential Childcare (T/506/7584)
Lead Practice to Support the Well-Being and Resilience of Children and Young People in Residential Childcare (T/506/7620)
Undertake a Research Project Within Services for Health and Social Care or Children and Young People (J/602/3499)
Principles for Leading the Transition of Young People With Complex Disabilities or Conditions to Adult Services (A/506/7568)
Understand the Care System and Its Impact on Children and Young People (H/506/7595)
Understand the Youth Justice System as it Relates to Residential Childcare (J/506/7606)
Understand the Context of Residential Childcare for Children and Young People With Complex Disabilities or Conditions (J/506/8318)
Support Others to Understand Models of Disability and Their Effects on Working Practice With Children and Young People (R/506/8158)
Lead a Residential Childcare Service That Can Engage With the Youth Justice System (Y/506/7609)
Lead Practice to Support Young People Leaving Care (Y/506/8114)