NCFE CACHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care
Health, Public Services and Care, Health and Social Care
Learning Resources Available, UCAS, Nested Qualification
Registration & certification fee:
Level 3
Minimum entry age:
This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and the most up-to-date information.
About this qualification
The Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care has been designed to enable learners to access Higher Education or assist with progression into the workplace.
This qualification has been designed and written by a team of subject matter experts, and we have involved employers and Higher Education Institutions in the review of the content.
What is a nested qualification?
This qualification is nested. Qualifications within a nested suite allow learners to be topped up to a qualification that is the same level and subject within the Award, Certificate, Extended Diploma structure. This can be done by self-service through the Portal. Qualification nests and top-up pricing can be found in our fees list.
What does it cover?
This qualification covers a wide range of key subject areas in health and social care. The Extended Diploma includes a wide range of optional units, allowing learners to pursue an interest in the specific areas of social care, health studies and health sciences, while still allowing enough diversity for the optional units to be tailored to suit a learner’s preferred progression path.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is suitable for learners aged 16 or above who wish to progress on to Higher Education.
Experience in a real work environment
Learners will be required to attend placement in a real work environment to support their learning. The minimum required number of placement hours are 175 (including 75 hours completed during the Certificate).
Entry requirements of Higher Education Institutions may specify the need for more work experience.
What are some examples of suitable work placement settings for learners?
Placement is a crucial element of the learner's journey. Listed below are some examples of appropriate settings which could support learners:
• Adult Residential Care Home
• Nursing Home
• Day Centre
• Children's Centre
• Health Centre
• Supported/Sheltered Accommodation
• Domiciliary/Community care
• Respite Care
• Residential Schools
• Assessment Centre
• Special Schools
• Hospital
• Specialised Voluntary Groups
What are the entry requirements?
Learners must be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges or training providers may have their own guidelines.
How long will it take to complete?
Learners will usually be able to achieve the Extended Diploma in two years.
What qualifications can you progress to?
Achievement of the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care supports learners’ access to Higher Education and progression into a wide range of job roles within the health and social care sector.
The Care Certificate
This qualification promotes high quality care and support and has been mapped to the standards within the Care Certificate.
For more information about the Care Certificate, including free teaching and learning resources, please see the Skills for Health website.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about this and other qualifications on the Funding page.
Which type of job roles can you apply for on completion?
This qualification does not provide a licence to practise, but may support progression into a wide range of job roles in the health and social care sector, including:
• Care Support Workers in adult residential settings
• Healthcare Assistants in Community, Primary Care and Acute Health Environment
• Care Support Workers in Domiciliary Services, Supported Living or Day Services
• Community-Based Support Worker
More detail on the range of job roles and potential progression paths will be provided in the Learner Handbook.
External assessment timetable
Please see the external assessment timetable for a breakdown of the assessment dates for this qualification.
Useful links
Regulations for the conduct of external assessment
Qualification specific instructions for delivery (QSID)
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 1103 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOCX | 1184 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 132 KB)
Purpose statement (PDF | 40 KB)
Mapping to the care certificate (PDF | 88 KB)
Mapping to NOS (PDF | 67 KB)
Mapping to Social Care Induction Framework (PDF | 67 KB)
FAQs (PDF | 157 KB)
HEI letters of support (PDF | 1648 KB)
Employer letters of support (PDF | 1188 KB)
Placement guidance - mentors and tutors (PDF | 177 KB)
Placement guidance - mentors and tutors (Word) (DOC | 438 KB)
Tutor guidance optional units (PDF | 1965 KB)
Tutor guidance optional units (Word) (DOC | 2358 KB)
Tutor guidance (PDF | 1687 KB)
Tutor guidance (Word) (DOCX | 1026 KB)
Learner handbook (PDF | 1179 KB)
Learner handbook (doc) (DOCX | 775 KB)
Placement handbook - learners (PDF | 197 KB)
Placement handbook for learners (Word) (DOC | 447 KB)
Learner handbook optional units (PDF | 1599 KB)
Learner handbook optional units (Word) (DOC | 2064 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Assessment materials
NCFE have password protected the latest external assessment past-paper, mark scheme and chief examiner report. You are now able to use these as current and valid mock assessments. To access the documents, you will need a Portal login. If you do not have a Portal login please contact your Portal administrator.
Chief Examiner Report - HSC EDEA - October 2024 (1) (PDF | 78 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC EDEA - May Summer 2024 (PDF | 134 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC EDEA - January 2024 (PDF | 116 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC EDEA - October 2023 (PDF | 140 KB)
Chief examiner report - HSC EDEA - May 2023 (PDF | 65 KB)
Chief examiner report - HSC EDEA - January 2023 (PDF | 89 KB)
Chief examiner report - HSC EDEA - October 2022 (PDF | 126 KB)
Chief examiner report - HSC EDEA - May 2022 (PDF | 87 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC CEA - January 2025 (PDF | 176 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC CEA - September 2024 (PDF | 121 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC CEA - May 2024 (PDF | 117 KB)
Chief examiner report HSC CEA May 2023 (PDF | 73 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC CEA - January 2024 (PDF | 131 KB)
Chief examiner report HSC CEA January 2023 (PDF | 70 KB)
Chief examiner report HSC CEA September 2022 (PDF | 164 KB)
Chief examiner report HSC CEA May 2022 (PDF | 130 KB)
Chief examiner report - HSC CEA - January 2022 (PDF | 65 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - HSC CEA November 23 (PDF | 60 KB)
Assessment tasks (PDF | 139 KB)
Certificate extended assessment (CEA) - tutor and learner information and requirements (PDF | 478 KB)
Certificate extended assessment task (CEA) (PDF | 139 KB)
Extended diploma extended assessment task (EDEA) (PDF | 138 KB)
External assessment cover sheet (PDF | 152 KB)
Extended diploma extended assessment (EDEA) - tutor and learner information and requirements (PDF | 432 KB)
Cache Assessment Themes Aug 2023 (PDF | 94 KB)
Exemplar CACHE Evidence Uploads (PDF | 220 KB)
Supplementary Answer Booklet (PDF | 140 KB)
Teaching materials
Hachette Learning resources
Refer to external link
Unit breakdown
Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care (K/507/1406)
Human Growth and Development (M/507/1407)
Safeguarding in Health and Social Care (T/507/1408)
Communication in Health and Social Care (J/507/1431)
Infection Prevention and Control in Health and Social Care (L/507/1432)
Psychological Perspectives in Health and Social Care (R/507/1433)
Sociological Perspectives in Health and Social Care (Y/507/1434)
Working in Health and Social Care (D/507/1435)
Reflective Practice (H/507/1436)
Empowerment in Health and Social Care (K/507/1437)
Protection of Children, Young People and Adults in Health and Social Care (M/507/1438)
Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care (T/507/1439)
Research Skills for Health and Social Care (K/507/1440)
Personal and Professional Development (M/507/1441)
Certificate Extended Assessment (HSC/CEA)
Extended Diploma Extended Assessment (HSC/EDEA)
Certificate 75 Placement Hours (HSC/CPH)
Extended Diploma 100 Placement Hours (HSC/EDPH)
Behaviour Change in Health and Social Care (D/507/1483)
Biochemistry for Health (H/507/1484)
Community Care Provision (K/507/1485)
Complementary Therapies and Alternative Medicine for Health and Social Care (M/507/1486)
Dementia Awareness (T/507/1487)
End of Life Care (F/507/1508)
Genetics in Health and Social Care (J/507/1509)
Health Education (F/507/1511)
Health Psychology (J/507/1512)
Mental Health and Well-Being (L/507/1513)
Microbiology for Health (R/507/1514)
Nutrition for Health and Social Care (Y/507/1515)
Physiology of Coordination (D/507/1516)
Public Health for Health and Social Care (K/507/1518)
Science of Nutrition (M/507/1519)
Social Policy (H/507/1520)
The Role of Play for Children and Young People (K/507/1521)
Advocacy in Health and Social Care (T/507/1490)
Epidemiology for Health and Social Care (F/507/1489)
Ethics in Health and Social Care (A/507/1491)
Family Issues in Health and Social Care (F/507/1492)
Learning Disability (J/507/1493)
Medication in Health and Social Care (L/507/1494)
Models and Systems of Health Care (R/507/1495)
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care (Y/507/1496)
Pharmacology (D/507/1497)
Physiology of Ageing (H/507/1498)
Promoting Positive Behaviour (K/507/1499)
Sociology of Health and Illness (R/507/1500)
Support Care Within Fostering and Adoption Services (D/507/1502)
Technology in Health and Social Care (H/507/1503)
Voluntary Organisations (K/507/1504)