NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support
Health, Public Services and Care, Health and Social Care
Registration & certification fee:
Level 3
Minimum entry age:
Credit value:
About this qualification
This qualification is designed to provide learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to work in a range of healthcare support settings.
Healthcare support staff can work in a variety of different settings within the NHS and private care facilities. The role of the support staff is to provide assistance to healthcare professionals in diagnosing, treating and caring for patients.
The qualification is formed of mandatory and optional units. The mandatory units cover core competencies, while the optional units allow learners to choose from a variety of specialist areas to tailor the qualification to their needs, interests and to reflect the context of their work.
The content of the qualification also aligns with the knowledge and skills required for the Senior Healthcare Support Worker apprenticeship standard.
The optional units have been categorised based on the following occupational options within the apprenticeship standard:
• Adult Nursing Support
• Maternity Support
• Theatre Support
• Mental Health Support
• Children and Young People Support
• Allied Health Profession Therapy Support
• Diagnostic Imaging Support
Who is it suitable for?
Learners or apprentices who wish to work or are working in a variety of different settings within the NHS and private care facilities.
What are the entry requirements?
Learners should be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges and training providers may have their own guidelines.
How is this qualification structured?
There are 19 mandatory units and a number of optional units categorised by occupational specialism aligned to the apprenticeship standard.
How is it assessed?
All units are internally assessed by your tutor or assessor using a portfolio of evidence.
Methods of assessment could include:
• direct observation of learner by assessor
• witness evidence when directed by the sector skills assessment strategy
• professional discussion
• reflection on own practice in real work environments (RWEs)
• written assignments
• learner’s own work products
Please note the mandatory assessment for DHCS 14 Study skills for senior healthcare support workers (A/650/5191) must include evidence of a piece of extended writing or a project.
How many credits are required to complete it?
To be awarded this qualification, learners are required to successfully achieve a minimum of 83 credits. Learners must achieve 63 credits from the 19 mandatory units and a minimum of 20 credits from the 157 optional units. At least 43 of the credits must be achieved at level 3 or above.
How long will it take to complete this qualification?
Learners can usually complete the qualification within 18 to 24 months if taken as standalone or as part of the Senior Healthcare Support Worker apprenticeship standard.
Do you need to be working to take this qualification?
Learners will need to be working, volunteering or on practical placement to be able to show competence in both knowledge and skills.
What related qualifications can you progress to?
Qualifications in specialist health pathways or to related health apprenticeships.
Career opportunities
The qualification content is applicable to a variety of roles, such as:
• senior healthcare support worker
• senior healthcare assistant
• maternity support worker
• theatre support worker
• mental health support worker
• children and young people support worker
• therapy support worker
• rehabilitation assistant
• enablement worker
• diagnostic imaging support worker
Units can also be a basis for continuing professional development in the learner’s chosen field.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about funding for this and other qualifications on our funding page.
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 1000 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOCX | 578 KB)
Optional units - Adult Nursing Support (PDF | 2082 KB)
Optional units - Adult Nursing Support (Word) (DOCX | 929 KB)
Optional units - Maternity Support (PDF | 272 KB)
Optional units - Maternity Support (Word) (DOCX | 376 KB)
Optional units - Theatre Support (PDF | 454 KB)
Optional units - Theatre Support (Word) (DOCX | 417 KB)
Optional units - Mental Health Support (PDF | 417 KB)
Optional units - Mental Health Support (Word) (DOCX | 425 KB)
Optional units - Children and Young People Support (PDF | 363 KB)
Optional units - Children and Young People Support (Word) (DOCX | 407 KB)
Optional units - Allied Health Profession Therapy Support (PDF | 705 KB)
Optional units - Allied Health Profession Therapy Support (Word) (DOCX | 486 KB)
Optional units - Diagnostic Imaging Support (PDF | 454 KB)
Optional units - Diagnostic Imaging Support (Word) (DOCX | 416 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 193 KB)
Draft mapping to apprenticeship standard (PDF | 220 KB)
Skills for Health assessment principles (PDF | 240 KB)
Skills for Care and Development assessment principles (PDF | 226 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Unit breakdown
Effective Communication in Care Settings (L/650/5179)
Promote Effective Handling of Information in Care Settings (T/650/5180)
Promote Personal Development in Care Settings (Y/650/5181)
Person-Centred Practice, Choice and Independence (A/650/5182)
Promote Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings (L/650/5359)
Promote Health, Safety and Wellbeing in Care Settings (D/650/5183)
Responsibilities of a Senior Healthcare Support Worker (F/650/5184)
Duty of Care in Care Settings (H/650/5185)
Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings (J/650/5186)
Maintain Infection Prevention and Control in a Care Setting (K/650/5187)
Cleaning, Decontamination and Waste Management (L/650/5188)
Understand Mental Ill Health (M/650/5189)
Communicate with Individuals About Promoting Their Health and Wellbeing (Y/650/5190)
Study Skills For Senior Healthcare Support Workers (A/650/5191)
Maintaining Quality Standards in the Health Sector (D/650/5192)
Service Improvement Within the Health Sector (F/650/5193)
Provide Support to Manage Pain and Discomfort (H/650/5194)
Contribute to Monitoring the Health of Individuals Affected by Health Conditions (J/650/5195)
Undertake Physiological Measurements (K/650/5196)
Undertake Personal Hygiene Activities with Individuals (K/650/1686)
Perform Intravenous Cannulation (A/650/5263)
Obtain Venous Blood Samples (K/650/5358)
Obtain and Test Capillary Blood Samples (D/650/5264)
Carry Out Blood Collection From Fixed or Central Lines (F/650/5265)
Insert and Secure Nasogastric Tubes (H/650/5266)
Supporting The Care of Individuals with Nasogastric Tubes (J/650/5267)
Undertake Urethral Catheterisation Processes (K/650/5268)
Care For Individuals with Urethral Catheters (L/650/5269)
Undertake Stoma Care (T/650/5270)
Prepare For and Carry Out Extended Feeding Techniques (Y/650/5271)
Assist in the Administration of Medication (A/650/5272)
Undertake Tissue Viability Risk Assessments (D/650/5273)
Obtain and Test Specimens From Individuals (F/650/5274)
Undertake Treatments and Dressings of Lesions and Wounds (H/650/5275)
Carry Out Wound Drainage Care (J/650/5276)
Remove Wound Drains (K/650/5277)
Remove Wound Closure Materials (L/650/5278)
Carry Out Vision Screening (M/650/5279)
Conduct Hearing Assessments (Y/650/5280)
Conduct External Ear Examinations (A/650/5281)
Move and Position Individuals Safely in Accordance with Their Care Plan (D/650/5282)
Understand Advance Care Planning (F/650/5283)
Perform Routine Electrocardiograph (ECG) Procedures (H/650/5284)
Undertake Agreed Pressure Area Care (J/650/5285)
Administer Medication to Individuals and Monitor the Effects (K/650/5286)
Understand the Administration of Medication (L/650/5287)
Assist in the Administration of Oxygen (M/650/5288)
Administer Oral Nutritional Products To Individuals (R/650/5289)
Support Individuals to Access and Use Services and Facilities (A/650/5290)
Obtain a Client History (D/650/5291)
Understand the Process and Experience of Dementia (H/650/5374)
Care For the Older Person (F/650/5292)
Understand Long-Term Conditions and Frailty (H/650/5293)
Support Independence in the Tasks of Daily Living (D/615/7323 )
Awareness of Mental Health Legislation (J/650/5294)
Understand the Context of Supporting Individuals With Learning Disabilities (M/615/7374)
Work in Partnership With Families to Support Individuals (M/615/7214)
Advise and Inform Individuals on Managing Their Condition (K/650/5295)
Co-ordinate the Progress of Individuals Through Care Pathways (L/650/5296)
Implement Therapeutic Group Activities (Y/615/7188 )
Support Individuals to Live at Home (D/615/7337)
Dementia Awareness (M/650/5297)
Understanding the Effect of Dementia on End-of-Life Care (R/650/5298)
Managing Symptoms in End-of-Life Care (T/650/5299)
Support Individuals at the End of Life (H/650/5300)
Support Individuals Who Are Bereaved (F/615/7167)
Understand End-of-Life Care for Individuals with Specific Health Needs (J/650/5301)
Support Individuals During the Last Days of Life (K/650/5302)
Support Individuals During Emergency Situations (L/650/5303)
Support Individuals During a Period of Change (D/650/6470)
Support Individuals to Access and Use Information About Services and Facilities (M/650/5304)
Support Individuals to Access and Manage Direct Payments (K/615/7213)
Support Individuals to Access Housing and Accommodation Services (H/615/7243)
Support Individuals to Prepare for and Settle in to New Home Environments (L/615/7317)
Support Individuals to Carry Out Their Own Healthcare Procedures (T/650/6469)
Support Individuals to Manage Continence (R/650/5305)
Support Individuals Who Are Distressed (T/650/5306)
Support Individuals to Manage Dysphagia (Y/650/5307)
Support the Spiritual Wellbeing of Individuals (A/650/5308)
Support Individuals to Meet Personal Care Needs (D/650/5309)
Support Individuals to Eat and Drink (J/650/5310)
Provide Support for Sleep (K/615/7339 )
Support Individuals with Specific Communication Needs (K/650/5311)
Support Individuals Undergoing Healthcare Activities (L/650/5312)
Collate and Communicate Health Information to Individuals (M/650/5313)
Implement Positive Behaviour Support (L/616/6342 )
Understand Planning and the Practical Application of Health Promotion (R/650/5314)
Human Structure and Functionality (T/650/5315)
Prepare Individuals For Healthcare Activities (Y/650/5316)
Select and Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) For Work in Healthcare Settings (A/650/5317)
Assist the Practitioner to Carry Out Healthcare Activities (D/650/5318)
Monitor and Maintain the Environment and Resources During and After Healthcare Activities (F/650/5319)
Contribute to the Discharge of Individuals to Carers (K/650/5320)
Inform an Individual of Discharge Arrangements (L/650/5321)
Contribute to the Care of a Deceased Person (M/650/5322)
Support Carers to Meet the Care Needs of Individuals (T/650/5324)
Perform First Line Calibration on Clinical Equipment to Ensure it is Fit For Use (Y/650/5325)
Reprocess Endoscopy Equipment (A/650/5326)
Conduct Routine Maintenance on Clinical Equipment (D/650/5327)
Make Recommendations For the Use of Physical Resources in a Health Setting (H/650/5329)
Manage the Use of Physical Resources in a Health Setting (L/650/5330)
Contribute to the Effectiveness of Teams (D/615/7256 )
Provide Advice and Information to Enable Parents to Promote the Health and Wellbeing of Their Newborn Babies (L/650/5123)
Care For A Newborn Baby (M/650/5124)
Support Parents Or Carers to Interact with and Care For Their Newborn Baby (R/650/5125)
Anatomy and Physiology For Maternity Support Workers (T/650/5126)
Develop and Agree Individualised Care Plans For Babies and Families (Y/650/5127)
Support Individuals with Feeding Babies (A/650/5128)
Perform the Non-scrubbed Circulating Role For Perioperative Procedures (D/650/5129)
Receive and Handle Clinical Specimens Within the Sterile Field (J/650/5130)
Prepare Anaesthetic Environment and Provide Support For Pre- and Post-operative Anaesthesia and Recovery (K/650/5131)
Contribute to the Safe Use of Medical Devices in the Perioperative Environment (L/650/5132)
Provide Support to the Surgical Team When Preparing Individuals For Operative and Invasive Procedures (M/650/5133)
Assist in Receiving, Handling and Dispatching Clinical Specimens (R/650/5134)
Transport, Transfer and Position Individuals and Equipment Within the Perioperative Environment (T/650/5135)
Measure and Record Individuals' Body Fluid Balance in a Perioperative Environment (Y/650/5136)
Assist in the Delivery of Perioperative Care and Support to Individuals (A/650/5137)
Prepare and Dress For Scrubbed Clinical Roles (D/650/5138)
Prepare and Provide Surgical Instrumentation and Supplementary Items For the Surgical Team (F/650/5139)
Prepare and Apply Dressings and Drains to Individuals in the Perioperative Environment (K/650/5140)
Understand the Legal, Policy and Service Framework in Mental Health (F/650/5148)
Support Individuals to Manage Their Own Recovery From Mental Health Conditions (H/650/5149)
Understanding Suicide Interventions (L/650/5150)
Support Positive Risk Taking For Individuals (M/650/5151)
Support Individuals with Mental Health Conditions to Change Patterns of Behaviour Using Coping Strategies (R/650/5152)
Understand Mental Health Interventions (T/650/5153)
Effective Communication and Building Relationships in Mental Health Work (Y/650/5154)
Enable Mental Health Service Users and Carers to Manage Change (A/650/5155)
Enable Individuals with Behaviours That Challenge to Develop Strategies to Manage Their Behaviour (D/650/5156)
Support Children and Young People with Mental Health Conditions (F/650/5157)
Understand Care and Support Planning and Risk Management in Mental Health (H/650/5158)
Recognise Indications of Substance Misuse and Refer Individuals to Specialists (T/615/7277)
Understand the Importance of Personal Wellbeing When Working in Mental Health Services (M/650/5160)
Support Parents/Carers and Those in A Parental Role to Care For Babies During Their First Year (J/650/5112)
Care For the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young Children (K/650/5113)
Work with Babies and Young Children to Support Their Development and Learning (L/650/5114)
Understand Child and Young Person Development (M/650/5115)
Develop Positive Relationships with Children and Young People (R/650/5116)
Support Children and Young People Experiencing Transitions (T/650/5117)
Enable Children and Young People to Understand Their Health and Wellbeing (Y/650/5118)
Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People (A/650/5119)
Communicate with Children and Young People in Care Settings (H/650/5120)
Understand Mental Health and Behaviour Management of Children and Young People (J/650/5121)
Support Children and Young People With Additional Needs (K/650/5122)
Provide Information and Advice to Individuals on Eating to Maintain Optimum Nutritional Status (R/650/5161)
Principles of Health Promotion (T/650/5162)
Deliver Training Through Demonstration and Instruction (Y/650/5163)
Monitor Individuals' Progress in Relation to Managing Their Body Weight and Nutrition (A/650/5164)
Implement Hydrotherapy Programmes For Individuals and Groups (D/650/5165)
Deliver Exercise Sessions to Improve Individuals' Health and Wellbeing (F/650/5166)
Assist in Testing Individuals' Abilities Prior to Planning Physical Activities (H/650/5167)
Support Individuals in Undertaking Their Chosen Activities (J/650/5168)
Support Individuals With Cognition or Learning Difficulties (K/650/5169)
Provide Support For Individuals with Communication and Interaction Difficulties (R/650/5170)
Support Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders to Develop Their Communication Skills (T/650/5171)
Collaborate in the Assessment of Environmental and Social Support in the Community (A/615/7183 )
Support Individuals to Retain, Regain and Develop Skills for Everyday Life (H/616/6346 )
Provide Support to Individuals to Continue Recommended Therapies (F/615/7170)
Assist in Implementing Treatment Programmes For Individuals with Severely Reduced Movement/Mobility (Y/650/5172)
Assist In the Implementation of Programmes to Increase Mobility, Movement and Functional Independence (A/650/5173)
Provide Support for Mobility (T/615/7215)
Provide Agreed Support For Foot Care (F/650/6507)
Examine the Feet of Individuals with Diabetes (D/650/5174)
Provide Advice on Foot Care For Individuals with Diabetes (F/650/5175)
Adapt and Fit Healthcare Equipment, Medical Devices, Assistive Technology or Products to Meet Individuals' Needs (H/650/5176)
Give Presentations to Groups (J/650/5177)
Assist Others to Plan Presentations (K/650/5178)
Facilitate Learning and Development Activities to Meet Individual Needs and Preferences (M/615/7259)
Prepare Medicines and Monitor Their Effects on Individuals During Radiological Procedures (Y/651/3812)
Understand the Administration of Medicines for Radiological Procedures (A/651/3813)
Perform Intravenous Cannulation for Radiological Procedures (D/651/3814)
Support Individuals to Participate in Their Own Healthcare Activities to Enable Radiological Procedures (F/651/3815)
Support the Team to Facilitate Radiological Procedures (H/651/3816)
Principles of Anatomy, Physiology and Physics for Radiological Procedures (J/651/3817)
Managing Digital Radiographic Images (K/650/5401)
Assist in Assuring the Effective Functioning of the Radiographic Image Quality Assurance Programme (M/650/5403)