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NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities
Health, Public Services and Care, Children and Young People, Health and Social Care
Registration & certification fee:
Level 3
Minimum entry age:
Credit value:
This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and the most up-to-date information.
What does this qualification cover?
This professional development qualification builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the Level 2 Award and Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities.
The qualification includes the nature and characteristics of learning disability, support, legislation, communication and planning.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is aimed at managers, unsupervised carers or senior level workers who come into contact with or are supporting individuals with learning disabilities as part of their job role.
What are the entry requirements?
You should be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges or training providers may have their own guidelines.
How many credits are required to complete it?
The Award requires 12 credits.
How is it assessed?
This qualification will be assessed by your Tutor or Assessor using a range of methods. This could include direct observation in the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task.
Do you need to be working to take this qualification?
Yes, you will need to be working, volunteering or on practical placement as you need to show competence in both knowledge and skills.
How long does it take to complete?
You can usually complete it in 6 months.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about funding for this and other qualifications on the Funding webpage.
Which type of job roles can you apply for on completion?
The qualification does not qualify you to work but does support you in your current job role or future job roles when supporting children, young people or adults with learning disabilities.
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 537 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOCX | 548 KB)
Appendix (PDF | 1795 KB)
Appendix (Word) (DOCX | 627 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 122 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Unit breakdown
Understand the Context of Supporting Individuals With Learning Disabilities (K/601/5315)
Maintaining the Independent Advocacy Relationship (A/502/3148)
Support Individuals With Multiple Conditions and/or Disabilities (A/601/5190)
Principles of Supporting Individuals With a Learning Disability Regarding Sexuality and Sexual Health (A/601/6274)
Support Person-Centred Thinking and Planning (A/601/7215)
Support Families Who Have a Child With a Disability (D/601/5750)
Promote Active Support (D/601/7353)
Support Individuals to Manage Their Finances (D/601/7904)
Understand Models of Disability (F/601/3473)
Promote Positive Behaviour (F/601/3764)
Support Individuals to Access and Use Services and Facilities (F/601/7927)
Support Young People With a Disability to Make the Transition into Adulthood (F/602/0049)
Understand Mental Well-Being and Mental Health Promotion (F/602/0097)
Support Individuals to Access Education, Training or Employment (H/601/3546)
Principles of Supporting an Individual to Maintain Personal Hygiene (H/601/5703)
Work in Partnership With Families to Support Individuals (H/601/8147)
Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings (J/601/1434)
Understand the Process and Experience of Dementia (J/601/3538)
Support Individuals in the Use of Assistive Technology (J/601/3541)
Understand Physical Disability (J/601/6150)
Understand Positive Risk Taking for Individuals With Disabilities (J/601/6293)
Support Individuals With a Learning Disability to Access Healthcare (J/601/8657)
Provide Support for Individuals Within a Shared Lives Arrangement (J/601/9601)
Support Individuals With Self-Directed Support (J/602/0053)
Understand Mental Health Problems (J/602/0103)
Support Parents With Disabilities (K/601/7047)
Support Individuals to Access Housing and Accommodation Services (K/601/7906)
Support Families in Maintaining Relationships in Their Wider Social Structures (K/601/9185)
Support Individuals to Maintain Personal Hygiene (K/601/9963)
Provide Support to Maintain and Develop Skills for Everyday Life (L/601/8028)
Facilitate Learning and Development Activities to Meet Individual Needs and Preferences (L/601/8644)
Support Positive Risk Taking for Individuals (L/601/9549)
Purpose and Principles of Independent Advocacy (M/502/3146)
Understand Sensory Loss (M/601/3467)
Principles of Self-Directed Support (M/601/7048)
Principles of Supporting Young People With a Disability to Make the Transition into Adulthood (M/601/7227)
Support Individuals During a Period of Change (M/601/7907)
Prepare to Support Individuals Within a Shared Lives Arrangement (M/601/9611)
Enable Individuals to Negotiate Environments (R/601/5180)
Support Individuals in Their Relationships (R/601/8578)
Providing Independent Advocacy Support (T/502/3147)
Understand How to Support Individuals With Autistic Spectrum Conditions (T/601/5317)
Support Individuals to Prepare for and Settle in to New Home Environments (T/601/7908)
Support Individuals With Specific Communication Needs (T/601/8282)
Understand the Diversity of Individuals With Dementia and the Importance of Inclusion (Y/601/3544)