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NCFE CACHE Level 3 Applied General Certificate in Health and Social Care
Health, Public Services and Care, Health and Social Care
Learning Resources Available, Performance Points, UCAS
Registration & certification fee:
Level 3
Minimum entry age:
This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and the most up-to-date information.
The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed that this qualification (subject to any future reviews by the DfE) has been approved for inclusion within the 2022, 2023 and 2024 Key Stage 5 performance tables. Please see the latest KS5 performance tables on the DfE website for more information
The DfE have confirmed that the additional retake opportunity in place for the 2018/19 academic year for all Tech Levels and Applied General qualifications will continue to be offered while the moratorium for 16-18 performance tables is in place. This includes Tech Levels and Applied General qualifications which will be counted in 2022 and 2023 performance tables.
What does this qualification cover?
The Level 3 Applied General Certificate in Health and Social Care is aimed at post-16-year-olds who are studying a Key Stage 5 curriculum and have an interest in the health and social care sectors. The Certificate has been designed to meet the entry requirements for higher education, in combination with A-levels and other Level 3 qualifications.
This qualification aims to:
• focus on the applied study of health and social care
• offer breadth and depth of study, incorporating a significant core of knowledge and theoretical content with broad-ranging applicability
• provide opportunities to acquire a number of practical skills.
The objectives of this qualification are to help learners to:
• progress to further and higher education
• develop new practical skills in health and social care
• become more familiar with legislation relevant to health and social care
• develop their knowledge of health and social care and its underpinning theories.
Bundles for CACHE Applied Generals
It is possible to register on both the award and the certificate in this suite at the same time and pay one fee. To do this you should use bundle code NDF1993 'Applied General Award and Certificate in Health and Social Care Bundle'.
Please note you will not be able to use the top up function on our system for this suite.
Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is suitable for learners who envisage careers in such areas as healthcare, social work, nursing, counselling, early years and primary teaching.
What are the entry requirements?
Learners must be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but Centres may have their own guidelines.
How is this qualification structured?
To be awarded the Level 3 Applied General Certificate in Health and Social Care, learners must achieve a minimum of a pass in the 5 mandatory units and the 2 external synoptic assessments.
How is it assessed?
All units for this qualification will be internally assessed using a variety of methods. In addition, learners will be required to achieve a minimum of a pass grade for a synoptic short answer examination and a synoptic Extended Written Assignment, both of which will be externally set and externally assessed.
What related qualifications can you progress to?
This qualification is designed for learners who want to study Health and Social Care at a higher level. Applied General qualifications are designed to be rigorous, advanced qualifications that enable learners to develop subject-specific and transferable skills, which facilitate their progression on to higher learning.
Career opportunities
This qualification is suitable for those interested in pursuing careers in the following areas:
• Health and social care
• Childhood studies
• Community, youth and families
• Social work
• Early years
• Primary teaching
• Nursing
External assessment timetable
Please see the external assessment timetable for a breakdown of the assessment dates for this qualification.
Useful links
Regulations for the conduct of external assessment
Qualification specific instructions for delivery (QSID)
Support materials
Qualification specification (PDF | 678 KB)
Qualification specification (Word) (DOCX | 510 KB)
Qualification factsheet (PDF | 65 KB)
Tutor guidance (PDF | 815 KB)
Letter of support - University of Chichester (PDF | 30 KB)
Letter of support - University of Bedfordshire (PDF | 351 KB)
Letter of support - University College Birmingham (PDF | 47 KB)
Using UMS to calculate qualification grades (PDF | 126 KB)
UMS scores for CACHE applied general qualifications (PDF | 132 KB)
Support Handbook (PDF | 327 KB)
Assessment materials
NCFE have password protected the latest external assessment past-paper, mark scheme and chief examiner report. You are now able to use these as current and valid mock assessments. To access the documents, you will need a Portal login. If you do not have a Portal login please contact your Portal administrator.
External assessment cover sheet (PDF) (PDF | 234 KB)
External assessment cover sheet (Word) (DOCX | 51 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - AGCHSC- April 2024 (PDF | 156 KB)
Chief Examiner Report - AGCHSC- January 2024 (PDF | 162 KB)
External Assessment Past Paper - January 2024 (PDF | 760 KB)
External assessment past paper - AGCHSC - January 2023 (PDF | 758 KB)
Chief examiner report - AGCHSC - January 2023 (PDF | 90 KB)
External assessment past paper - AGCHSC - May 2022 (PDF | 243 KB)
Chief examiner report - AGCHSC - May 2022 (PDF | 62 KB)
External assessment past paper - AGCHSC - January 2022 (PDF | 242 KB)
Chief examiner report - AGCHSC - January 2022 (PDF | 65 KB)
This document contains feedback from the chief examiner for the January 2022 external assessment.
Chief examiner report - AGCHSC - January 2021 (PDF | 109 KB)
External assessment past paper - AGCHSC - January 2021 (PDF | 144 KB)
Supplementary Answer Booklet (PDF | 140 KB)
Teaching materials
Unit breakdown
Functions of Health and Social Care (Y/616/8613)
Human Growth and Development (D/616/8614)
Empowerment in Health and Social Care (H/616/8615)
Health Education (K/616/8616)
Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care (M/616/8617)
External Assessment Short Answer Examination (AGAHSC)
Controlled Extended Assessment (AGCHSC)