Initial enquiry form for Customised Qualifications | NCFE

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Initial enquiry form for Customised Qualifications

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1. Organisation's details

2. Qualification details

3. Materially Different

When we review your qualification we’ll look at your reasons for developing it, including why our existing regulated qualifications don’t meet your needs and we will also check if your qualification is materially different to one of NCFE’s regulated qualifications. The purpose of the materially different check is for us to be sure that your qualification is not similar to one of our regulated qualifications. We will check that the knowledge, skills and assessment(s) are different to any of our regulated qualifications. This helps to ensure that learners would not consider this as an NCFE owned and regulated qualification. And so we would expect that you would check that your qualification is not similar to another regulated qualification. If you need any advice on this, please do not hesitate to get in touch.