You’ve told us, we’ve listened
Finding an English, maths and skills assessment provision that meets the specific needs of your organisation is the key to driving quality learner outcomes.
You’ve told us you need:
- an initial assessment tool to identify your learner’s current level in English and maths
- to save time.
Your tailored solution - we’ve got you covered with One Assessment
One Assessment is a time efficient, affordable assessment that assesses your learners English and maths level in half the time of normal tests.
One Assessment
It offers:
Intuitive initial assessment – determine your learners’ current level in English and maths with a single 30-minute assessment.
Track learner and tutor progression – our bespoke reporting Quality Dashboard supports your Ofsted requirements.
Configuration settings – configure One Assessment to provide a GCSE result from ungraded to Grade 9, or a Functional Skills result from Entry 1 to Level 2. Alternatively, our assessment can direct the learner to their most suitable path – GCSE or Functional Skills.