You’ve told us, we’ve listened
Finding an English, maths and skills assessment provision that meets the specific needs of your organisation is the key to driving quality learner outcomes.
You’ve told us you need:
- Functional Skills registration
- To identify your learner’s current level in English and maths
- The ability to track the entire learner journey
- A tool to manage initial assessment and diagnostics
- On demand learning content
Your tailored solution - we’ve got you covered with Skills Builder, the ultimate e-learning solution paired with our market-leading Functional Skills qualifications
Skills Builder is a comprehensive initial assessment and diagnostic solution that enables you to develop your learners’ English and maths skills with industry-leading assessments. With access to the highest quality curriculum, while collecting the data and evidence needed to demonstrate compliance and learner progression, you'll be primed for Functional Skills assessment success.
Available in entry Level 1, 2 & 3 and Level 1 and 2, our Functional Skills qualifications boast comprehensive support, including flexible online learning tools and remote delivery options, ensuring engagement, success and achievement for your learners.
Functional Skills and skills builder
It offers:
Quick turnaround times – receive results from assessments in just six working days.
On-demand assessment methods – choose from online or paper-based assessment methods.
Free support package for staff – receive onboarding, curriculum support, CPD sessions, webinars, and events delivered by English and maths specialists.
On-demand learning content – get Ofsted and ESFA-compliant assessments, detailed diagnostics, innovative video tutorials and learning resources.
Intuitive initial assessments – determine your learners’ current level in Functional Skills, GCSE English and maths, and Essential Digital Skills.
Ability to track the entire learner journey - with a tracking system and reporting dashboards that capture results at a learner, group and institution level, you can measure the distance travelled by each learner.
Don’t just take our word for it...
Hear what providers like you say about the impact of Skills Builder and Functional Skills:
We've seen nothing but a positive impact. When learners are first signed up, they complete initial assessments to determine the level they are currently working at.