You’ve told us, we’ve listened
Finding an English, maths and skills assessment provision that meets the specific needs of your organisation is the key to driving quality learner outcomes.
You’ve told us you need:
- Functional Skills registration
- an initial assessment tool that measures your learners' current English and maths level
- to save time.
Your tailored solution - we’ve got you covered with FAST
Functional Assessment and Skills Together, also known as FAST, is Functional Skills registration combined with our comprehensive initial assessment and diagnostic solution. It enables you to develop your learners’ skills in English and maths with industry-leading initial assessment and access to the highest quality curriculum, to support with success in Functional Skills assessment. What’s more, the more learners you register, the more you save!
It offers:
Functional Skills registration - with six day results, on-demand paper and online assessments.
Intuitive initial assessments – determine your learners’ current level in Functional Skills, GCSE English and maths, and Essential Digital Skills.
Intuitive initial assessment – determine your learners’ current level in English and maths in a single 30-minute assessment.
Track learner and tutor progression-our bespoke reporting Quality Dashboard supports your Ofsted requirements.
Access to subject specialists – with additional support to your tutors and assessors, you can improve attainment by up to 6%.
Don’t just take our word for it...
Hear what providers like you say about the impact of FAST:
I have found other English and maths products to be quite cumbersome, difficult to set up and not as accessible for students. FAST is very straight forward from the admin side but also the experience for teachers and students is very user friendly. It will greatly help with delivery, especially for more non-specialist staff.