Leisure Duty Manager | EPA Standards | NCFE

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EPA Standard

Leisure Duty Manager

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Level 3     £5,000     15-18 months

1. What the role entails

The role of a Leisure Duty Manager is to manage the effective day-to-day front line operation of a leisure facility. These facilities will vary in size and the services available such as swimming pools, multi-functional sports hall, fitness suites, crèches, children’s soft plays, health suites, climbing walls and outdoor sports tracks. It is the responsibility of the Leisure Duty Manager to ensure the facility is prepared for use in accordance with the planned activity programme and that all areas are maintained to the highest possible standards of safety, cleanliness, security and operational effectiveness.

Typically, the Leisure Duty Manager will provide visible leadership to a diverse range of staff such as lifeguards, receptionists, sports coaches, fitness teams and crèche workers. Their responsibility is to manage staff performance and ongoing development to ensure staff are motivated, efficient and operate at a high standard.

Entry: undertake the Disclosure and Barring Service
process and provide the result.

2. On-programme assessment

Apprentices will typically spend between 15 and 18 months on programme and undertake the minimum required off-the-job training as per the ESFA funding rules. Apprentices must spend at least 12 months on-programme. Before entering Gateway, the apprentice must complete the following on-programme requirements:

  • Level 2 English and maths or equivalent qualifications
  • Level 3 Pool Plant Operator Certificate
  • First Aid at Work qualification.

3. Gateway requirements

The decision to take an apprentice through Gateway is made between the employer, Independent Training Provider (ITP) and the apprentice. The apprentice should only enter Gateway once the employer is content that the apprentice is working at or above the level of the occupational standard.

The apprentice must also have completed all the on-programme elements before they enter Gateway.

4. End-point assessment

The end-point assessment (EPA) for Leisure Duty Manger contains three methods of assessment:


The apprentice will complete a Project and present their findings in the form of a 2,000 to 3,000 word Project Report. The Project will be set by NCFE and agreed with the apprentice and their employer. The Project aims to give the apprentice the opportunity to identify and propose how an improvement could be made to the way their organisation operates.

Grading: Fail, pass or distinction.


The apprentice will deliver a presentation their employer and the Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA) with a focus on their personal development throughout their apprenticeship. The Presentation will last for up to 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes allowed for questioning by the IEPA following the conclusion of the Presentation.

Grading: Fail, pass or distinction. 

Professional Discussion 

The apprentice will complete a Professional Discussion with an IEPA. The Professional Discussion will take place after the Project and Presentation and will focus on any knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) which have not been demonstrated in the Project or the Presentation. The apprentice will be given the opportunity to use additional materials and their Personal Development Plan to support their responses. The Professional Discussion will last for a maximum of 1 hour 30 minutes.

Grading: Fail, pass or distinction.

5. Grade aggregation table

Observation of Leadership
Project Pass

At least 12 out of 15 distinction criteria are achieved across all three assessment methods, in addition to all KSBs and pass criteria.

Presentation Pass
Professional Discussion  Pass
Final Grade Pass Distinction

6. Completion and certification

Once the IEPA verifies the apprentice has successfully completed all EPA methods, NCFE will activate certification. Working with the apprenticeship certificate issuing authority, we will ensure the apprentice receives their certificate.

7. What next?

On successful completion of the Leisure Duty Manager EPA, apprentices may choose to progress to other job roles, such as Leisure Centre Manager. They may also choose to progress to another apprenticeship; for example, Operations Manager.


We are an approved End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) specialising in EPA delivery across Health, Education, Social Care, Digital, Active Leisure and Business apprenticeship standards. NCFE offers flexible and reliable EPA solutions supported by sector expertise, guidance documents and proactive service and support

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