Facilities Services Operative | EPA Standards | NCFE

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EPA Standard

Facilities Services Operative

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Level 2     £3,000     12 months

1. What the role entails

A Facilities Services Operative is a broad description of someone who provides facilities services support to customers and facilities management (FM) departments. This may include services such as security, supporting hard FM functions; for example, maintenance and engineering, and soft FM; for example, cleaning, catering, front-of house logistics, post-room services and portering.

The FM industry covers a wide range of industry sub-sectors. Therefore, typically, this role could be found working in a range of environments; for example, in residential developments and commercial properties, hospitals, schools or retail centres and industrial locations. This is an outward-facing role where liaison with customers is a key priority and forms a major part of the role.

Entry: undertake the Disclosure and Barring Service
process and provide the result.

2. On-programme assessment

Apprentices will typically spend 12 months on-programme and undertake the minimum required off-the-job training as per the ESFA funding rules. Apprentices must spend at least 12 months on-programme. Before entering Gateway, the apprentice must complete the following on-programme requirements:

  • Level 1 English and maths or equivalent qualifications
  • Level 2 Facilities Services Principles
  • compile a Portfolio of Evidence to underpin the Professional Discussion

3. Gateway requirements

The decision to take an apprentice through Gateway is made between the employer, Independent Training Provider (ITP) and the apprentice. The apprentice should only enter Gateway once the employer is content that the apprentice is working at or above the level of the occupational standard.

The apprentice must also have completed all the on-programme elements before they enter Gateway, including compiling a Portfolio of Evidence to underpin the Professional Discussion.

4. End-point assessment

The end-point assessment (EPA) for Facilities Services Operative contains three methods of assessment: 

Knowledge Test

The Knowledge Test will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions and will last for 40 minutes. The Knowledge Test will be closed book, and each question will contain four possible answers, only one of which is correct. The apprentice must achieve 15 marks to pass.

Grading: Fail or pass

Observation with a Question and Answer (Q&A) session

The Observation will take place in the apprentice’s normal workplace and will last for 2 hours. The Observation may be split into discrete sections but must take place over a maximum of one working day. Between three and five questions may be asked after the Observation is complete to cover any knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) which were not naturally covered in the Observation. This questioning period must be included within the total 2 hour observation time.

Grading: Fail, pass or merit 

Professional Discussion underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence 

The apprentice will compile a Portfolio of Evidence while they are on programme, and this will underpin their Professional Discussion with an Independent End-Point Assessor (IEPA). The Professional Discussion will last for 1 hour, and the IEPA will ask a minimum of six open questions to allow the apprentice to demonstrate the KSBs assigned to this assessment method.

Grading: Fail, pass or merit

5. Grade aggregation table

Knowledge Test Observation Professional Discussion Overall grading 
Pass Pass Pass Pass
Pass Pass Merit Pass
Pass Merit Pass Pass
Pass Merit Merit Merit

6. Completion and certification

We’ll activate certification once the apprentice has successfully completed all EPAs, and the IEPA has verified this. Working with the apprenticeship certificate issuing authority, we’ll ensure the apprentice receives their certificate.

7. What next?

On successful completion of the Facilities Services Operative EPA, apprentices may choose to progress to other apprenticeship standards such as Level 3 Facilities Management Supervisor or Level 4 Facilities Manager


We are an approved End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) specialising in EPA delivery across Health, Education, Social Care, Digital, Active Leisure and Business apprenticeship standards. NCFE offers flexible and reliable EPA solutions supported by sector expertise, guidance documents and proactive service and support.

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