Employers must:
- Identify and recruit talent for the apprenticeship
- Have an apprenticeship agreement in place with each apprentice for the duration of the apprenticeship
- Have the apprentice, themselves/a representative and training provider sign a commitment statement (the training provider requires this during ESFA inspections to guarantee funding)
- Make sure the apprentice undertakes real, productive work which gives them opportunities to access, develop, practice, and evidence the knowledge and skills they need to meet the standard
- Allow the apprentice to attend off-the-job training and assessments as part of their paid working hours
- Take part in regular reviews with the apprentice and training provider to review the apprentice's progress
- Liaise with the training provider and make the final choice of the end-point assessment organisation (EPAO)
- Make sure the apprenticeship lasts for a minimum of 12 months, and the apprentice is employed during the apprenticeship (including the time required for the EPA)
- Confirm the apprentice is occupationally competent at Gateway.