What would you do for a Mars bar?  | Blog | NCFE

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What would you do for a Mars bar?

Paul Greenhalgh Paul Greenhalgh Director at SkillWise UK Limited

Would you email your password to someone?  

We’re pretty sure you've been told, reminded, lectured, and talked to endlessly about your password security. 

Research suggests that there are two types of organisations in the world: 

  • Those who have suffered a cyber attack
  • Those who don't know they have suffered a cyber attack!

These are worrying statistics, and hopefully most cyber attacks are halted by your systems and protocols, but we need to remember that we are all responsible for our data and our organisation's data.  


The question is, how safe are you?  

Back to the question, what would you do for a Mars bar? 

A group set up a small survey at Liverpool Street station (pre-pandemic) in the morning and the evening, with three questions.  

  1. What is your name? 
  2. What company do you work for? 
  3. What is your network password?  

34% of people stopped to answer the questions. Yes, an astonishing 34% are willing just to give this away! 

But, then it gets more interesting. 

Those who said “no” were then offered a free Mars bar, and 70% of people then stopped and filled out the form – they provided potentially valuable data simply for a free Mars bar. 

It’s astonishing but true that people are prepared to give away such information. 

What we really wanted to point out is that your data is under attack at all times. Despite the most sophisticated systems and technology you may have in place, the weakest link in cyber security is usually the individual.   

Organisations are advised to continually remind employees of this fact and to be ever vigilant.  


SkillWise is committed to ensuring that the information you put into VQManager, their e-portfolio system, remains secure. To know more about this, email Karina North for more information.  

Research suggests that there are two types of organisations in the world; those who have suffered a cyber attack and those who don't know they have suffered a cyber attack!

Paul Greenhalgh, Director at SkillWise UK Limited