Learner stories: "My overall goal is to become a pilot"
Brooke Webster, a 17-year-old learner at Craven College, has long had a passion for aviation. Here, she explains how studying the Level 3 Introductory Diploma in Travel and Tourism (Aviation) is helping her to follow in her dad’s footsteps and become a pilot.
Why did you choose to study this qualification?
“I’ve always had a passion for aviation ever since I was young. I’ve been brought up with it, it’s in my family as my dad is a pilot, and I've just loved it since day dot!
“I was just looking online and happened to stumble across the Aviation Academy. From there, I came to the open days, fell in love with it, and I did the few student mornings. Thankfully I got all the GCSEs I needed, so that’s when I decided to come and study here.”
What skills have you learned whilst studying?
“I have learned loads of skills, but I think the main skills I’ve learned are customer service and communication.
"You learn about how to deal with the customer properly, how to deal with complaints, and how to interact with people in general. It’s just genuinely brought me together as a better person and I can talk to people easier.”
What are your career goals for the future?
“I’ve recently completed year one [of my Level 3 qualification], so I’m coming back in September to complete the second year. I’m going to potentially come back and study at Level 4, 5 and 6.
“My overall goal is to become a pilot and work on airlines!”
Watch below: Brooke Webster's learner story
What would you say to others considering taking this travel and tourism qualification?
“I’d 100% recommend it to anybody wanting to do aviation, purely because of the courses and how interactive they are. It’s probably been the best decision I've ever made. I look forward to coming in and I’ve just kind of got this, ‘I want to get to college; I want to learn’ attitude. It's just a really, really good atmosphere in general.
“I call this little college a community as we’re really close, and because the classes are quite small, you get more one-on-one time with the tutors. All the students here are lovely, and all the tutors are great at what they do. They’re amazing at teaching and they all have past experiences, so you hear so many great stories and they’re really helpful as well.”
To find out more about the travel and tourism qualifications we offer, visit our Travel hub.
Learner profile
Name: Brooke Webster
Qualification: Level 3 Introductory Diploma in Travel and Tourism: Aviation
Centre: Craven College
Pictured: Brooke Webster in a simulated airplane
I look forward to coming in and I’ve just kind of got this, ‘I want to get to college; I want to learn’ attitude.

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