If you’ve recently found out that your centre is closing, we’re here to support you with your next steps. We understand this may cause some uncertainty, but we want to ensure that no learner is left behind. Read more.
3 ways we’re supporting success in maths and English
Recent reports show that the interruptions in learning during the pandemic have had a significant effect on learners, particularly those studying maths and English.
At NCFE, we believe that no learner should be left behind, which is why we’re committed to providing support to both learners and teachers to ensure success in maths and English. Achievement in these subjects is essential for individuals to be able to fulfil their potential and progress to their next step, and we’re proud to offer a vocational route into maths and English with our Functional Skills qualifications. Accepted as an alternative to GCSE qualifications and typically completed in a smaller amount of time, Functional Skills offers learners a flexible approach with the option to sit their assessment year-round.
Here’s how we’re continuing to work with education providers to put them in the best position to support their learners and help them to succeed.
1. Sector-leading results turnaround to keep learners engaged
We’re proud to provide Functional Skills assessment results within 6 working days, as we’re focused on helping learners to get the information they need, understand the next steps, and ultimately achieve what they need to progress.
In addition to our sector-leading results turnaround for Functional Skills, we also offer a choice of paper-based or online assessment, both on-demand, and with remote invigilation.
Plus, our free online learner feedback reports, which identify areas for improvement at subject content statement level, help learners understand exactly where they need to focus their energy.
2. Support for teachers to aid delivery
We’re here to help teachers to deliver our NCFE Functional Skills qualifications in the best way possible, which is why we offer free curriculum support from our Provider Development team. You'll receive 3 free consultations with subject specialists in the first 12 months, as well as on-boarding and ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) support throughout the year.
We also know how crucial it is that educators have high-quality resources to complement delivery, which help to map out English and maths steps to success for learners. As standard, we provide a full suite of teaching resources for all levels of Functional Skills, which includes schemes of work, session plans, PowerPoint sessions, videos and more.
3. Tools to measure learners’ skill levels and starting points
Accurately measuring learners’ skills and progress is vital to ensuring that they’re on the right track for success. Our skills assessment tools offer a quality dashboard that allows you to drill into the data in one place and set up customised reports to be delivered to you on a timeframe of your choice.
Plus, One Assessment initial assessment can provide learners with a level to work towards for both English and maths in a single 30-minute session, which can be tailored to Functional Skills or GCSE. Once the diagnostics have been completed, your learner will be provided with an individual skills plan that links into our independent learning resources within the system.
Our skills assessment tools and resources are perfectly placed to support those learners who have suffered loss of learning during the pandemic, by identifying where this loss has taken place and putting together a learning plan to allow the learner to complete the missing pieces.
Discover more information on our Functional Skills offer or get in touch with us at [email protected] to find out how we can support you.
Our skills assessment tools and resources are perfectly placed to support those learners who have suffered loss of learning during the pandemic.
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Case study: Why Kiwi Education has delivered our Functional Skills for nearly a decade
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