FAQs for providers and employers

What are Customised Qualifications?
Customised Qualifications are unregulated qualifications written and developed by a provider and accredited by NCFE. These qualifications contain measurable learning outcomes and assessment criteria, with relevant assessment methods. The qualifications are the intellectual property of the qualification provider/employer and are unregulated, so will not appear on the register of regulated qualifications. Instead, it will have our recognition, meaning your qualification is fit for purpose and quality assured by NCFE.
What are Endorsed Programmes?
Endorsed Programmes are informal activities carried out in-house by a programme provider that are accredited by NCFE. These programmes contain no learning outcomes or assessment criteria, or certification from NCFE, and activities can range from seminars to workshops, or webinars to paper-based materials. Our recognition of your Endorsed Programme means it is fit for purpose and quality assured by NCFE.
What qualification levels can we register?
We have no restriction on the level of qualifications you can register. However, all submissions at Level 4 or above will be subject to review by a sector expert in order to make sure your qualification meets the relevant criteria for accreditation. Customised Qualifications at Level 3 or below will be subject to an internal review, however a sector expert review can be requested at an additional cost. All Endorsed Programmes will receive a sector expert review.
Does the annual accreditation fee include VAT?
No, we do not charge VAT on our fees.
Do you provide guidance on qualification writing?
Yes. Learn how to write, structure, meet assessment frameworks and create your assessment’s content in our guide to Writing Customised Qualifications.
Do you have guidance as to how we advertise Customised Qualifications?
Yes. Because Customised Qualifications are unregulated, Ofqual has guidelines about how you can advertise them which we explain in our guidelines for advertising Customised Qualifications.
Will our qualification be accredited by NCFE or CACHE?
Your qualification will receive a CACHE accreditation if it’s in:
- Early years and childcare
- Health and social care
- Children and young people.
All other qualifications will be given an NCFE accreditation.
Can we use our logos on Customised Qualification certificates?
Yes. Simply submit your centre logo to us once you’re approved to deliver Customised Qualifications, and we’ll print your logo alongside ours on the certificates we distribute to learners.
You don’t issue certificates for Endorsed Programmes. Can we issue our own?
Yes, you can create your own completion certificates for Endorsed Programmes and include our logo. You’ll find our brand guidelines with information on using our logo here.
As an approved centre, how do we gain approval for new qualifications?
Simply login to our Accreditation and Employer service and apply for a new Customised Qualification.
How do we become an NCFE-approved centre to deliver Customised Qualifications?
Read our step-by-step guide on how to become an NCFE-approved centre, then you need to register for our accreditation services. Once you have submitted your new centre form, we’ll organise to send an External Quality Advisor who will assess your centre for NCFE approval.
What are digital credentials?
Digital credentials are secure, verifiable, digital assets that validate a learner’s or employee’s educational achievements. Centres who offer NCFE Endorsed Programmes will now be able to provide a tangible way for their learners to evidence their achievements through our new digital credentials service.
How do digital credentials work?
Digital credentials are a fast and efficient way of certificating learners upon completion of an NCFE Endorsed Programme. Unlike traditional paper-based certifications, these verifiable, machine-readable assets are hard coded with metadata linked to evidence such as scores, criteria, standards, and examples of work.
Are digital credentials secure?
Our service is backed by a partnership with Learning Vault, a leading global provider of digital credentials and digital education content. Their Credential Vault platform allows organisations to issue digital credentials embedded with unique encrypted data stored on secure local servers, which means they cannot be copied or tampered with in any way.