Customised Qualifications | Employers | Accreditation | NCFE

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Customised Qualifications

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Customised Qualifications are the perfect solution for your organisation if you have a need to address a skills gap, upskill staff in a specific competence or where you have an opportunity to align an existing learning programme with a more robust, measurable approach.

You’ll have the control and flexibility to design your own bespoke content, the level of qualification, learning outcomes, assessment criteria and assessment methods while retaining full ownership of the courses you write.

We can support you with your application, provide access to our subject matter experts across several sectors, as well as support with co-creation of your qualification.

Why choose Customised Qualifications from NCFE?

Stamp of approval

Our Customised Qualifications come with accreditation from an industry leader in vocational and technical education with over 175 years’ experience, to support the quality and rigour of your qualifications.

Certification for your employees

We’ll issue certificates to your employees featuring the NCFE logo alongside your organisation’s branding, demonstrating the value of the skills and knowledge gained through your qualification.

Specialist support

You will be assigned a dedicated External Quality Assurer who will provide ongoing support to ensure the success of your Customised Qualifications, including an annual visit to your organisation.

Fast and efficient service

Access award-winning customer service and support from our expert accreditation team, who will provide technical educational feedback within 15 working days, with a 1 working day turnaround on certification.

Competitive pricing

You can have an unlimited number of qualifications accredited for one annual fee. This cost-effective model is ideal for any organisation looking to develop qualifications with unique content that falls outside of our portfolio of regulated qualifications.

Learner FAQs
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Employer FAQs
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NCFE’s Accreditation and Employer Services offer value for money combined with competitive fees to suit your learning and development budget.

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Need support in co-creating a Customised Qualification? 

Let us do the heavy lifting and use our expertise to help develop your qualification from scratch. We can: 

  • assign a dedicated subject specialist  
  • review the proposed qualification and outline content 
  • support with writing of the qualification spec, learner outcomes, assessment guidance and learner resources 
  • assist with initial delivery of your qualification. 

Find out more 

Want to learn more about developing Customised Qualifications for your workforce? Tell us about your ideas in our enquiry form.

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