Preparing for moderation | NCFE

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Upcoming deadline: Mandatory standardisation/Administration training - February 28 2025

We want you to feel confident and prepared for moderation, so this page will provide you with all the information you need about the moderation process, explain how sampling works, and how the final marks for each learner in the cohort are determined.  

Assessment window dates

Assessment window dates for the moderated components of the occupational specialism (OS) are outlined in the Key Date Schedule (KDS) within the Qualification pages.

Assessment window dates for the non-exam assessments (NEA) are outlined in tutor guide on the Qualification pages.

Planning your delivery
V Certs key dates and support

View everything you need to know about 24/25 NEA planning here.

T Level key dates and support

To help support your planning, view our key dates for visiting moderation and remote moderation.

T Level

Make the most of the support available by registering your students and booking them onto the chosen OS early through the Portal

Our T Level Portal and Online Assessment User Guide explains how to do this.

Registrations and bookings must be made in line with the dates outlined in the KDS available on the qualification pages.

V Certs

Make the most of the support available by registering your students early through the Portal

Our Portal User Guide explains how to do this.

Students can be registered from the 1 September in the first year of study. The NEA and external assessment must both be taken in the final year of study.

If a student requires extra support for a moderated assignment you can apply a Reasonable Adjustment or submit a Special Consideration request.

Please visit our web pages on Special Considerations and Reasonable Adjustments if you have a student who requires support and ensure you read our Special Considerations Policy and Reasonable Adjustments Policy.

Special considerations are intended to support students who face an unexpected disadvantage at the time of an assessment for reasons outside of their control. Requests can be applied for after an assessment, but the deadline is five working days following the date of the assessment or the last day of a window.

Reasonable adjustments should be put in place before the assessment takes place to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places students at a substantial disadvantage during an assessment.

T Level

It is important that you maintain accurate assessment records so they can be moderated during remote moderation. Should these records lack sufficient detail to allow remote moderation to take place, the provider will be required to observe students again, which will delay student results for the full cohort.

The Moderator will remotely view a sample of your assessment records during moderation and provide feedback on the completion of the assessment records within their moderation report.

Tips for Maintaining Accurate Assessment Records

In advance of the assessment:

  • familiarise yourself with the required assessment record templates. These can be downloaded from the qualification page within the Tutor Guides.
  • ensure any recording devices are fully charged and have the required storage capacity.
V Certs

It is important that you maintain accurate assessment records so they can be moderated during remote moderation. Should these records lack sufficient detail to allow remote moderation to take place, the provider will be required to observe students again, which will delay student results for the full cohort.

The Moderator will remotely view a sample of your assessment records during moderation and provide feedback on the completion of the assessment records within their moderation report.

Tips for Maintaining Accurate Assessment Records

In advance of the assessment:

  • familiarise yourself with the required assessment record templates. These can be downloaded from the qualification page within the Tutor Guides.
  • ensure any recording devices are fully charged and have the required storage capacity.

Download our V Cert Schedule of Assessment Template

Download now

Assessment materials will be available from the start of the assessment window each session in line with pre-release and release dates in the KDS.

T Level

Assessment materials will be available to download from the portal. For guidance on accessing assessment materials, view our short video.

For T Level Technical Qualification in Education and Early Years, assessment materials are available on the Education and Early Years Qualification page. For more information, please see the ‘Education and Early Years Specific Information’ section below.

V Certs

Assessment materials will be available to download from the portal. For guidance on accessing assessment materials, view our short video. NEA Assessment materials will include:

  • Assessment Brief and Mark Scheme (centre version)
  • Assessment Brief (learner version)
  • Assessor feedback to learner forms
  • Upload document checklist.
Early Years Educator – Assignment 2 Part 1

The EYE OS assignment 2 part 1 begins in September. Your Moderator will plan their visit to observe the assessment of each of the competence-based criteria and discuss their assessment decisions with you, the visit will be for one full day. They will plan to observe each criteria at least once during the day, this will most likely be across a range of students.

You must ensure that the observations scheduled for the day of the Moderator visit cover all competence-based criteria via either observation or professional discussion with the student.

In the event that not all criteria are observed during the visit, a follow up professional discussion will be arranged within five working days with the assessor, which will take place remotely, via Teams. This meeting will also provide the opportunity for feedback on assessment decisions made on the day of the visit.

Following the remote meeting, providers will receive a moderation report detailing the outcome of the visit and if applicable will include actions for the provider to take forward.

Early Years Educator and Assisting Teaching Assignment 2: Part 2

Stage 1 moderation for assignment 2 part 2 will take place in the assignment 2 part 2 assessment window (between February and May, as per the KDS).

A maximum of three students in the sample will be completed via face-to-face moderation, the remainder of the sample will be moderated remotely.

Once your Moderator has selected their sample for stage 1 moderation, they will work with providers to determine which students will be moderated via a face-to-face visit and which will be moderated remotely.

Providers must ensure that face-to-face visits for all students are scheduled to take place within a 2-day window, dates do not need to be consecutive but must be agreed with the Moderator.

For students selected for remote moderation, providers will need to ensure that required evidence is uploaded to the portal within 10 working days of the assessment taking place. Dates for this activity should be agreed with the Moderator.

Further remote moderation will take place once the assessment window closes. This is stage 2 and 3 moderation. This is only required if a provider is marking out of tolerance during stage 1, meaning further sampling is required.

Providers will be contacted via email should further samples be required. Information on this can be located on in the ‘View Students Selected for Remote Moderation’ section above.

If further sampling via remote moderation is required, you will be required to submit evidence on the portal for a sample of students in the cohort. The Moderator will review evidence submitted on the portal and apply a mark for each student. The Moderator’s mark will be compared to the mark awarded by the provider and a final mark will be applied.

If the provider mark and the Moderator’s mark are within tolerance, the provider’s marks will be applied to all students in the cohort. If the marks are outside of tolerance, we’ll apply an adjusted mark to all students in the cohort.

We’ll provide a final moderation report on results day with feedback on areas of good practice and areas for development.

Schedule of Assessment

Once students are booked onto the OS of their choice (EYE or AT) and are ready to commence their second year of the T Level, you will be able to submit a Schedule of Assessment for that student via the Portal. The Moderator will use the Schedule of Assessment to plan their visits for assignment 2 of the OS. 

For further support on how to add or update the Schedule of Assessment please refer to the T Level System User Guide  or watch our short guidance video: How to add or amend the Schedule of Assessment in the Portal (T Level Education and Early Years).

The Schedule of Assessment provides details of the student’s industry placement, rank order, the planned dates the assessor will observe the student for assignment 2 and the planned criteria to be observed. 

When determining the rank order for your students, several factors can be considered for example, the student’s performance in year 1, the student’s level 2 achievement profile and/or their expected grades for the OS. Providers should rank students how they see fit. Numbers can be used more than once if needed (for example if a cohort is large you could rank 1-10 with several students at each number)

If you are entering an EYE part 1 observation into the Schedule of Assessment, you should use only the ‘Criteria to be covered’ box, holding the ‘ctrl’ button to select multiple criteria. Please ensure all criteria you plan to observe during the EYE part 1 observation is selected. You do not need to select anything from the structured observations options for EYE part 1.

If you are entering an EYE part 2 or AT observation into the Schedule of Assessment, you should use only the ‘Structured Observation’ box, holding the ‘ctrl’ button to select multiple SOs if they are taking place on the same day. You do not need to select any criteria in the criteria box for structured observations in part 2.

Sample Sizes

Students selected for stage 1 moderation will be selected using the provider’s Schedule of Assessment. You can read more about the Schedule of Assessment in the above sections. 

Students selected for remote moderation will be selected using the sampling guidelines below and include assessments from across a range of provider marks which include the student with the highest provider mark and the student with the lowest non-zero provider mark.

Providers will be contacted and a sampling plan will be available on the portal if further sampling is required after stage 1.

No. of students at provider  

Stage 1* sample (sub-sample)  

Up to 5  










Over 200  



Arranging a Visit

Before a moderation visit can take place, you must complete the Schedule of Assessment for each student in the portal and submit this. You must also complete and return the Provider information document - T Level Technical Qualification in Education and Early Years (Level 3). This document is available in the assessment materials area of the Portal for you to download.

No visits can take place until the Moderator receives this information or outside of the assessment window. 

On receipt of the Schedule of Assessment the Moderator will work with you to plan their visits efficiently and send you their sampling plan. Once you receive the sampling plan:

  • Inform the industry placement of the moderation visit and confirm their agreement. This will be checked during the moderation review.
  • Inform the students in the moderation sample that the Moderator will be observing them.
During a Moderation Visit

During the moderation visit your Moderator will observe structured observations for each student in the sample. They will not discuss their assessment decisions with you, as this will be checked during final moderation.

They will discuss:

  • Your completion of assessment paperwork for the structured observations, by looking at previously completed records.
  • Your processes for identifying assessors’ and IQAs’ training needs and how these are addressed.
  • Your processes to ensure students are given appropriate access to assessment, where special arrangements are required to ensure you are following our requirements specified in our Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy.
  • How you ensure students’ developmental needs are matched against the requirements of the assessment and how individual assessment plans are agreed.
  • Your records of placement hours and how these are maintained and show accurate tracking.
Maintain Accurate Assessment Records

It is important that you maintain accurate assessment records so they can be moderated. Should these records lack sufficient detail to allow moderation to take place, the provider will be required to observe students again, which will delay student results for the full cohort. 

The Moderator will view a sample of your assessment records during stage one moderation and provide verbal feedback on the completion of the assessment records during the visit. 

Templates for the below assessment records are available to download from the qualification page within the Tutor Guide for assignment 2:

  • Observation Planning Form
  • Future Planning Form
  • Observation of Skills Recording Form
  • Professional Discussion Form
  • Criteria assessor Judgement Guidance and Assessment Justification Document
  • Final Mark Form
  • Tracking documents to showing criteria achieved and target dates to meet any outstanding criteria

You may find it useful to refer to our Guidance around having a professional discussion.

Assessment plans must also be maintained and show how the criteria will be assessed, the criteria to be observed and/or covered through professional discussion, how the student has achieved the criteria and their placement hours.

Mandatory training 

Internal standardisation materials will be available to providers in the booking area of the Portal by October each session. This CPD package is designed to bring your teams together to align assessment decisions and expectations for externally moderated components.

It is mandatory for providers to complete the training by the end of February each year. Once completed, an online declaration must be signed and returned to NCFE to show it has been done. This declaration link is located within the training materials provided and under the 'Declaration’ heading below. This declaration will also confirm that administration training has been completed. 

To access the standardisation training materials, once you’ve booked your learners onto the relevant assessment, you’ll need to: 

· log in to the Portal

· go to the ‘Bookings’ tab and click ‘View Assessments’  

· search for a batch number or product code to find learners on the relevant qualification/assignment you’d like to access training for  

· select all learners  

· scroll to the bottom and click ‘View Bookings’  

· click on the desired assessment booking on the relevant session.  

You’ll see headings for each assessment; the standardisation materials for moderated assessments are located under the moderated assessment heading. Click ‘Show Details’ to view the materials and then click them to download. If there are two parts to the assessment, the materials will be located under ‘Assignment 2’.  

Administration training is available to support you through the activities associated with the delivery and moderation of internal assessments. 

By completing this mandatory training you’ll fully understand the requirements and key dates associated with the moderation process which will ensure that your learner results are accurate and released in line with published dates.

We’ve broken the training down into a series of short videos to make it quick and easy to access and complete flexibly around your availability.   

Please see the full list of video links below:

It’s important to get assurance that your staff are fully prepared to administer and assess the internal assessments, so that learners receive the best possible experience along with results in an accurate and timely fashion.

Once administration and standardisation training have been completed by all relevant staff at your centre assessors and IQAs, centre's are then required to complete a centre declaration form which will be returned to the External Quality Assurance team. This will be monitored via the Annual Monitoring Review (AMR) process.

The declaration form link is contained within the Provider Standardisation Pack.  For quick access you can use this link  to declare your standardisation and admin training is complete.

The deadline for training is 28 February 2025.

Marking internal assessments 

Our Prepare to Assess events develop confidence and understanding of grading criteria when assessing learners' responses to the internally-assessed units.

At present, we do not have any future Prepare to Assess events planned. We do have a recording of a Prepare to Assess event that we recommend watching and this can be located on our YouTube channel.

Watch now

Our Provider Development team offer a range of sessions to support providers. Visit our events pages (V Cert (Technical Awards)) and T Level events page (T Level) to view events and register your attendance.

If you are unable to attend, we recommend you register as a recording will be available on the above pages following the event. 

T Level

The portal will close at the end of the assessment window, as outlined in the Key Dates Schedule.

All student marks must be entered before the portal closes. Any learners booked but not sitting the assessment should be marked as a DNA in the submit marks screen. For guidance on submitting marks, watch our How to submit provider marks for moderation video resource.

If the assessment has different assessment window end dates, for example part 1 and part 2. Marks must be entered before the assessment window closes for each part.

Moderation can only take place once marks have been submitted for the full cohort. Failure to do this may impact final moderation, delay results and will result in an action on your annual monitoring review (AMR) report.

If you need support withdrawing a student, please contact [email protected]

If a student did not attend an assessment, submit a did not attend (DNA) mark. 

You must inform students of their marks prior to submitting to NCFE to allow students the opportunity to request a review of provider marking.

Additional Information Relating T Level Technical Qualification in Healthcare Science (Level 3) 603/7066/X

If you are delivering the above qualification, part 1: practical assessment activity (core) and part 2: practical assessment activity (pathway) has two separate assessment windows. As there is no overlap between assessment windows, providers will not be able to submit all marks (Core and Option) at the same time. Core marks must be submitted and saved by the Core deadline and then the Option marks should be added separately by the Option deadline as outlined in the Key Dates Schedule. More information relating to this can be found in this document.

For guidance on submitting marks, watch our How to submit provider marks for moderation video resource.

V Certs

The portal will close at the end of the assessment window, as outlined in the Tutor Guides on the qualification pages.

All learner marks must be submitted in the ‘submit marks’ screen in the Portal before the published submission deadline.  For guidance on submitting marks, watch our How to submit provider marks for moderation video resource.

Moderation can only take place once marks have been submitted for the full cohort. Failure to do this may impact final moderation, delay results and will result in an action on your AMR report.

If learners have attempted the NEA producing some evidence but have achieved no awardable marks, the mark should be entered as 0. If they have not attempted the task, this should be marked as DNA. If all tasks for NEA have not been attempted all tasks should be entered as DNA giving an overall mark of DNA for the whole assessment. 

Once the assessment window is open, a learner can’t be withdrawn as they are classed as being entered for the assessment. The learner marks must be entered as DNA for all tasks.

Preparing for moderation
T Level

Once the portal closes, students selected for remote moderation will be displayed in the portal the following day.  For information watch our view students selected for moderation and upload evidence video resource.

You must upload the required evidence for each student to the portal within three working days of the assessment window closing. Checklists detailing the evidence requirements will be included with the assessment packs or supplied by your Moderator for Education and Early Years.

Following initial moderation should the Moderator need to moderate the entire cohort you will be contacted. We’ll contact the programme contact to request this so please be prepared. Once prompted we will expect evidence to be submitted via the portal in three working days.

Failure to submit evidence within the required timescales will result in delays to final moderation and student results. This will also affect your provider's risk rating following moderation. Failing to submit evidence may result in potential maladministration and will be referred to our Provider Assurance team for further review. 

Tips for Uploading Files
  • File names must include the student’s name and the name of the task
  • Where possible, files should be no bigger than 1GB
  • Up to 10 files, with an individual file size limit of 2GB can be uploaded at one time
  • Larger file sizes will take longer to upload
  • Files larger than 2GB will need to be compressed
  • Zip files cannot be uploaded.

More useful tips for uploading files can be found here.

If you need support uploading student evidence, contact [email protected].

Additional Information Relating T Level Technical Qualification in Healthcare Science (Level 3) 603/7066/X

If you are delivering the above qualification, part 1: practical assessment activity (core) and part 2: practical assessment activity (pathway) may have different students selected for moderation. Please ensure you check the sampling plans for both parts separately. Students selected for moderation will be displayed in the portal the day after the assessment window closes for the pathway, as outlined in the Key Dates Schedule (KDS).

V Cert (Technical Awards)

Once the portal closes, students selected for remote moderation will be displayed in the portal the following day.  For information watch our view students selected for moderation and upload evidence video resource.

You must upload the required evidence for each student to the portal within three working days of the assessment window closing. Checklists detailing the evidence requirements will be included with the assessment packs.

Following initial moderation should the Moderator need to moderate the entire cohort you will be contacted. We’ll contact the programme contact to request this so please be prepared. Once prompted we will expect evidence to be submitted via the portal in three working days.

Failure to submit evidence within the required timescales will result in delays to final moderation and student results. This will also affect your provider's risk rating following moderation. Failing to submit evidence may result in potential maladministration and will be referred to our Provider Assurance team for further review. 

Tips for Uploading Files
  • File names must include the student’s name and the name of the task
  • Where possible, files should be no bigger than 1GB
  • Up to 10 files, with an individual file size limit of 2GB can be uploaded at one time
  • Larger file sizes will take longer to upload
  • Files larger than 2GB will need to be compressed
  • Zip files cannot be uploaded.

More useful tips for uploading files can be found here.

If you need support uploading student evidence, contact [email protected].

T Level

The sampling plan list, showing students selected for remote moderation will be displayed in the Portal the day after the deadline for submitting marks. If you have any outstanding marks for learners in the cohort, the sampling plan list will not generate. To view your sampling plan list, go to ‘Upload learner submissions’ and then select ‘Bookings’ and search for your students’

For further information watch our view students selected for moderation and upload evidence video resource.

You must upload the required evidence for each student to the portal within three working days of the assessment window closing. Please refer to the section on Preparing for Moderation on this page for further information.

Additional Information Relating T Level Technical Qualification in Healthcare Science (Level 3) 603/7066/X

If you are delivering the above qualification, part 1: practical assessment activity (core) and part 2: practical assessment activity (pathway) may have different students selected for moderation. Please ensure you check the sampling plans for both parts separately. Students selected for moderation will be displayed in the portal the day after the assessment window closes for the pathway, as outlined in the Key Dates Schedule (KDS).

V Cert

The sampling plan list, showing learners selected for remote moderation will be displayed in the Portal the day after the deadline for submitting marks. If you have any outstanding marks for learners in the cohort, the sampling plan list will not generate. To view your sampling plan list, go to ‘Upload learner submissions’ and then select ‘Bookings’ and search for your learners.

For information watch our view students selected for moderation and upload evidence video resource.

You must upload the required evidence for each learner to the portal within three working days of the assessment window closing. Please refer to the section on Preparing for Moderation on this page for further information.

If evidence is not submitted by the deadline, the moderator may request for this to be uploaded. An email will be sent to programme contacts and the head of centre to request this is uploaded within two working days. Missing evidence can delay the issuing of results.

When missing tasks are identified at a centre, the centre should ensure these tasks and/or documents (e.g. checklists) are uploaded for all learners on the sample plan list and not just the initial identified learner. This will ensure all learners evidence is available should the moderator be required to sample additional learners.

To support assessors and moderators with marking and moderation, learners should be encouraged to label their work in a way that clearly shows where one task ends and the next starts. Titling each document with its corresponding task number for example ‘Task 3’ will make it clear what evidence has been produced for each task.

Work or files should be labelled with the learner’s name, the name used must match their registration on the Portal. If learners use a preferred name, this can be included alongside the learners registered name if desired.

Please let us know if you complete a name change on the Portal after evidence has already been submitted by emailing [email protected]

File names must include the student’s name and the name of the task/s.

Tips for Uploading Files

  • File names must include the student’s name and the name of the task
  • Where possible, files should be no bigger than 1GB
  • Up to 10 files, with an individual file size limit of 2GB can be uploaded at one time
  • Larger file sizes will take longer to upload
  • Files larger than 2GB will need to be compressed
  • Zip files cannot be uploaded.

More useful tips for uploading files can be found here.


For T Level and V Cert qualifications, it’s our responsibility to moderate the marks awarded by centres for any internally-assessed components to ensure that standards are aligned across all centres year on year. This is covered in section H2 of Ofqual's General Conditions of Recognition.

You’ll be asked to provide students work and assessment records for a sample of students in your cohort. The sample will select assessments from across a range of centre marks and will include the student with the highest and lowest non-zero centre mark.

This sample will be selected using JCQ sampling guidelines in line with Table 1 below. It’s used as representative of the marking standard within your centre to determine whether you’re marking to the required standard, against the published assessment criteria.

No student will be treated differently having been included in the moderation sample. Therefore
marks will not be adjusted solely for an individual or the sampled learners as part of the moderation process. The sample is used to indicate whether (if any) adjustment is necessary for the centre as a whole and to determine the size and scale of the adjustment that needs to be applied. 

Table 1 sample sizes

No. of students

in the cohort

Stage 1 


Stage 2


Stage 3


Up to 5




















Over 200




Table 2 - selected sample 

This is an example of how the sample may be chosen from a cohort size of 20 learners: 

Full sample: 15 learners  Sub-sample: 6 learners  Stage 2 sample: 4 learners Stage 3 sample: 5 learners
Learner no. Centre mark      
1 28      
2 57      
3 72      
4 68      
5 47      
6 48      
7 81      
8 22 (lowest mark)    
9 30      
10 61      
11 38      
12 65      
13 66      
14 47      
15 31      
16 81 (highest mark)    
17 58      
18 50      
19 37      
20 31      

Sample sizes for visiting moderation for the T Level in Education and Early Years can be found in the 'Education and Early Years specific information' section.

Moderation of centre assessed work and how marks are applied

You’ll be required to upload evidence for learners selected in the sample. Once the full sample of work is uploaded, it will be moderated in stages as outlined in Table 1 above. 

Stage 1: When your marks are moderated, a tolerance level is applied to allow for differences between assessment judgements. The tolerance is a specified number of marks, specific to each component to determine the differences between centre marking and moderator marking that can be taken as a legitimate variation in judgement.

If the differences between the moderator’s mark and your mark are within tolerance for all learners in the sub-sample, no further work will be moderated, and your marks will be applied to all learners in the cohort.

This means that no change is made to your marks, resulting in centre marks being used as the final marks for that particular component.

If the difference in marks is outside the specified tolerance, moderation will continue to stage 2.

Example – in tolerance

The table provides an illustration of centre marks within tolerance for a centre-assessed component where the example tolerance is -/+ 6 marks of the total mark. In this case, no further moderation is needed and the centre mark is applied as the final result for this component.

Learner no.


Moderator mark








(lowest mark)









(highest mark)












Stage 2: If the centre’s mark and moderator’s mark are out of tolerance for any learners in the sub-sample, an adjustment will be needed to align your standard of marking with our agreed standard. The additional learners for the stage 2 sample will be moderated and the pattern of differences between the moderator’s mark and centre’s mark will be reviewed. If there is a consistent pattern of marking, a fair adjustment can be made from the stage 2 sample and no further work will be moderated. Marks will generally be adjusted using the regression process, which is outlined below.

If your marking pattern is inconsistent, the moderator will progress to stage 3 moderation.  

Example – Out of tolerance (with consistent marking pattern)

This illustrates the outcome of the stage 1 moderation as outside of tolerance, therefore further moderation needed, and so contains learners in the stage 2 sample.

Learner no.


Moderator mark








(lowest mark)









(highest mark)




























Although the marks moderated were outside of the +/- 6 tolerance limit, a consistent pattern of marking is evident (see graph below). Therefore, a fair adjustment can be applied using the regression process.

Stage 3: If the centre’s marks and the moderator’s marks are out of tolerance and inconsistent, the remaining learners in the sample will be moderated. After moderating the full sample, the pattern of differences between the moderator’s marks and the centre’s marks will be reviewed. a fair adjustment will be made, and no further work will be moderated.

In most cases the stage 3 sample of work will be sufficient to determine the size and scale of the adjustment that need to be applied.

Example - out of tolerance (with inconsistent marking pattern)

Learner no.

Centre mark

Moderator mark













































































Stage 4 (additional samples): In circumstances where centre’s marks are found to be inconsistent throughout the sample, and a fair adjustment can’t be made to the whole cohort, then additional samples will be required (typically the work of all learners in the cohort). We’ll contact you to request additional work to be submitted.

Our software calculates these adjusted marks to . The adjustments are then checked by a member of our subject team.

Adjusted marks can be higher or lower than the centre's marks for some learners, depending on the line of best fit.

The centre's rank order of learners is maintained, meaning the highest and lowest marks given by the centre will remain the highest and lowest after adjustment:

If there is significant disagreement between the moderator and the centre's rank ordering, the recommended adjusted marks may not be accepted, and further moderation may be required. 

This means the learner(s) given the highest mark by the centre and the learner(s) given the lowest mark by the centre will continue to have the highest and lowest marks after the adjustment has been made. It is therefore vital that you ensure your rank order is correct.

It’s important to remember that this is a moderation process and not a marking process, as only a sample are reviewed by a moderator. Therefore, when you receive your results, we don’t provide the moderators marks for the sample, we only provide the final marks for all learners.

If your learners’ marks have been adjusted, then these final marks will be the outcome of the regression calculation. A written explanation relating to the findings of the moderator will be found in the final moderation report.

Results and support

On results release day, the below information will be available on the Portal for providers to download.  The T Level System User Guide (T Level) and Portal User Guide  (V Cert (Technical Awards)) explains where this can be located. 

For more information on T Level results, visit the Department of Education website.

This provides an overview of the results for all assignments completed as part of the OS, the student’s overall mark and overall grade. 

Results Confirmation Report for the T Level Occupational Specialist Component 

This provides an overview of the raw marks awarded to each student for all assignments completed as part of the OS, the student’s overall mark and overall grade.

This will be available to view on the portal on results day and will highlight areas where your provider has performed well and areas for improvement. It will also include the mark used for each moderated component. The mark used will be one of the following:

Provider marks accepted – this means that the provider marks were within tolerance of the Moderator marks. The provider marks have been accepted for all students in the cohort.

Provider marks adjusted – this means that the provider marks were out of tolerance of the Moderator marks. The adjusted marks have been accepted for all students in the cohort.

The CM report which will be available on our website provides an overview of the moderated assignment including examples of good practice and where further development may be needed.


For students completing T Level qualifications certificates will be issued by the Department for Education (DfE) upon your learner completing the qualification, providing they meet the minimum required standard. Please visit the Department for Education website for more information on learner achievement and certification for T Level qualifications. 

NCFE do not issue certificates for T Level qualifications, currently students will maintain a status of ‘Registered’ in the NCFE Portal even after they’ve been certificated.

There is no requirement to claim certificates for V Cert qualifications, learners will be auto certificated six weeks after the results release date. This means you’ll be able to view their e-certificates on 2 October 2025 on the Portal and will receive a physical copy of the certificates around four weeks after this date.