We’re the UK’s leading awarding organisation for funded adult training.
Traineeships (19 to 24)

Traineeships are an education and training programme with work experience for young people who wish to find an apprenticeship or job, but who lack the skills, experience and behaviours sought by employers.
Unlike an apprenticeship, a traineeship is a programme of learning and skills development. It is not a job.
Traineeships are a focused, flexible offer with a direct line of sight to employment, which aim to secure young people’s progression to a positive outcome as quickly as possible.
Each traineeship can last from six weeks up to one year, although most will last less than six months. They consist of four core elements:
Work Preparation Training | Work Experience Placement | Maths, English and Digital Development | Vocational Training |
A focused period of work preparation training with a training provider, covering areas like CV writing, interview preparation, job search and inter-personal skills. |
A high-quality work experience placement with an employer to give the young person meaningful work experience and an opportunity to develop workplace skills. Minimum – 70 hours |
A basic skills element with English, maths and digital where needed. 4/C grade Maths & English Level 1 Digital | Focused on preparing the trainee for occupational standards within apprenticeships or occupation specific employment, depending on the needs of the young person and linked to the local labour market. |
We offer a range of products that can be used to support traineeships and would be happy to work with customers who identify a need that can be filled by a specific traineeship.
Please see below for example traineeships from our sector teams:
Health and Social Care
Undertaking a traineeship with a vocational focus on adult care enables exploration of the sector to include services, practitioner roles and foundations for practice alongside the development of employability skills. A traineeship in adult care is ideal for those considering a future career in this field and can support progression onto the adult care worker apprenticeship, wider work-based learning, or employment in diverse roles – for example, a care or support worker across a range of settings such as residential, domiciliary or day services and disciplines including mental health, learning disability or re-enablement.
NCFE Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics (603/5055/6)
NCFE Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in English (603/5058/1)
NCFE Level 1 Essential Digital Skills (603/7118/3)
NCFE Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics (603/5060/X)
NCFE Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification in English (603/5054/4)
This would need to be organised via the provider.
The Childcare traineeship has been designed to stimulate interest and encourage the learners’ understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to care for young children. It’s aimed at a range of learners, including young people needing to develop life skills, as well as those who are thinking of working in childcare.
Ongoing throughout traineeship to create a min of 70 hours of high-quality placement.
Supporting Teaching and Learning
The Supporting Teaching and Learning traineeship supports learners with developing an understanding of the teaching and learning environment in a school setting, how to support the well-being of a child or young person, and child and young person development.
It covers a wide range of areas including supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour and communication and professional relationships. It’s aimed at learners working in roles that support pupils’ learning in primary, secondary or special schools, as well as colleges.
Ongoing throughout traineeship to create a min of 70 hours of high-quality placement.
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning (603/2476/4)
Early Years
This traineeship is a steppingstone on the road to becoming and Early Years Educator. It will allow learners to gain a basic knowledge of childcare in early years environments. This includes the value of play, roles and responsibilities of carers and volunteers, and the importance of developing links in the local community. It covers working with children up to the age of 5 years.
Ongoing throughout traineeship to create a min of 70 hours high quality placement.
NCFE CACHE Level 1 Award in an Introduction to Early Years Settings (500/9747/7)